The sensitiveness of a moving coil galvanometer can be increased




NEET Class 12

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Three charged particles are initially in position-1. They are free to move and they come to position-2, after some time. Let U1 and U2 be the electrostatic potential energies in position-1 and 2 then

  • U1 = U2

  • U2  U1

  • U2 > U1

  • U1 > U2


In L-R circuit the current increases to three - fourth of its maximum value in 4s, then the time constant of the circuit is

  • 2 loge 2

  • 4loge2

  • 2loge2

  • loge22


1 Wb/m2 is equal to

  • 10G

  • 102 G

  • 10-2 G

  • 10-4 G



The sensitiveness of a moving coil galvanometer can be increased by decreasing the

  • number of turns in the coils

  • area of the coil

  • magnetic field

  • couple per unit twist of the suspension


couple per unit twist of the suspension

For moving coil galvanometer

       Cθ = niBA

where C = Couple per twist of the suspension

          θ =  deflection of galvanometer

        θi = nBAC

Sensitivity o galvanometer = nBAC

∴ To increase the sensitivity of galvanometer, value of C should be decreased.


The material of wire of potentiometer is made of

  • copper

  • steel

  • manganin

  • aluminium


A potential difference V is applied at the ends of a copper wire of length l and diameter d. On doubling only d, drift velocity

  • becomes two times

  • becomes half

  • does not change

  • becomes one-fourth


A steady current of 5 A is maintained for 45 min. During this time it deposits 4.572 g of zinc at the cathode of a voltmeter. ECE of zinc is

  • 3.38 × 10-4 g/C

  • 3.397 × 10-4 g/C

  • 3.384 × 10-3 g/C

  • 3.394 × 10-3 g/C


The earth's magnetic induction at a certain point is 7 x 10-5 Wb/m2. This is to be annuled by the magnetic induction at the centre of a circular conducting loop of radius 5 cm. The required current in the loop is

  • 0.56 A

  • 5.6 A

  • 0.28 A

  • 2.8 A


An astronomical telescope has a large aperture to

  • reduce spherical aberration

  • have high resolution

  • increase span of observation

  • have low dispersion


Which of the following is more close to a black body?

  • Black board paint

  • Green leaves

  • Black holes

  • Red roses
