A solid cylinder, a circular disc, a solid sphere and a holl




NEET Class 12

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A 4 kg roller is attached to a massless spring of spring constant k = 100 N/m. It rolls without slipping along a frictionless horizontal road. The roller is displaced from its equilibrium position by 10 cm and then released. Its maximum speed will be

  • 0.5 m s-1

  • 0.6 m s-1

  • 0.4 m s-1

  • 0.8 m s-1


A particle is thrown vertically upwards with velocity 11.2 km s1 from the surface of earth. Calculate its velocity at height 3 R. Where R is the radius of earth

  •  9.25 km s-1

  •  5.6 km s-1

  •  11.2 km s-1

  •  4.3 km s-1


If 2 kg mass is rotating on a circular path of radius 0.8 m with angular velocity of 44 rad/sec. If radius of the path becomes 1 m, ther what will be the value of angular velocity?

  • 28.16 rad/sec

  • 19.28 rad/sec

  • 8.12 rad/sec

  • 35.26 rad/sec


Find out the correct relation for the dependance of change in acceleration due to gravity on the angle at the latitude, due to rotation of earth

  • dg ∝ cosϕ

  • dg ∝ cos2ϕ

  • dg ∝ cos3/2ϕ

  • dg ∝ 1cosϕ



A solid cylinder, a circular disc, a solid sphere and a hollow cylinder of the same radius are placed on an inclined plane. Which of the following will have maximum acceleration at the bottom of the plane?

  • Circular disc

  • Solid cylinder

  • Solid sphere

  • Hollow cylinder


Solid sphere

Let the inclination of the inclined plane be θ.

Acceleration of a rolling body is given as

   a = g sinθ1 + K2 R2

Here K is the radius of gyration.

For circular disc

       I  = 12 MR2

∴   K2R2 = 12

      a = 23 gsinθ               ....(i)

For solid cylinder

    I = 12 MR2

∴  K2R2 = 12

∴    a = 23 gsinθ                 ....(ii)

For solid sphere

    I = 25 MR2

∴   K2R2 = 25          

∴   a = 57 gsinθ                .....(iii)

For hollow cylinder

    I = MR2

∴   K2R2 = 1

∴   a = 12 gsinθ              ....(iV)

hence (i), (ii), (iii) and (iV) we conclude that the solid sphere will reach the bottom with maximum acceleration.


Calculate the heat emitted by a bulb of 100 W in 1 min.

  • 100 J

  • 1000 J

  • 600 J

  • 6000 J


Assertion: Animate object can accelerate in the absence of external force. 

Reason:  Newton's second law is not applicable on animate object.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason is false.


Assertion:  In elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved. 

Reason:  Energy is always conserved.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.


Dimensional formula of ΔQ, heat supplied to the system is given by

  • [ M1 L2 T-2 ]

  • [ M1 L1 T-2 ]

  • [ M1 L2 T-1 ]

  • [M1 L1 T-1 ]


A spherical body of diameter D is falling in viscous medium. Its terminal velocity is proportional to

  • Vt ∝ D1/2

  • Vt ∝ D3/2

  • Vt ∝ D2

  • Vt ∝ D5/2
