Identify incorrect for electric charge q from Physics NEET Year




NEET Class 12

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In an AC circuit, voltage V = V0sinωt  and inductor L is connected across the circuit. Then the instantaneous power will be

  • V022ωL sinωt

  • - V022ωL sinωt

  • - V022ωL sin2ωt

  • V02ωLsin2ωt


Two sinusoidal waves of intensity I having same frequency and same amplitude interferes constructively at a point. The resultant intensity at a point will be

  • I

  • 2I

  • 4I

  • 8I


In the given circuit, the voltage across the load is maintained at 12 V. The current in the zener diode varies from 0-50 mA. What is the maximum wattage of the diode?


  • 12 W

  • 6 W

  • 0.6 W

  • 1.2 W


A photon is incident having frequency 1 x 10 sec-1. Threshold frequency of metal is 5 x 1013 sec-1. Find the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.

  • 3.3 × 10-21 J

  • 6.6 × 10-21 J

  • 3.3 × 10-20 J

  • 6.6 × 10-20 J


In given series LCR circuit R = 4Ω, XL = 5 Ω and XC = 8Ω, the current

  • Leads the voltage by tan-1(3/4).

  • Leads the voltage by tan-1(5/8)

  • Lags the voltage by tan-1(3/4)

  • Lags the voltage by tan-1(5/8)


A wire of mass 100 g, length 1 m and current 5 A is balanced in mid air by a magnetic field B, then find the value of B

  • 0.2 T

  • 0.1 T

  • 0.5 T

  • 0.6 T


A toroid with mean radius r0, diameter 2a have turns carrying current I. What is the magnetic field B outside the toroid?

  • N I2πr0

  • NI2π r0 + a

  • NIπr0 + a

  • zero



Identify incorrect for electric charge q

  • quantised

  • conserved

  • additive

  • non-transferable



Quantization of charge means that when we say something has a given charge, we mean that is how many times the charge of a single electron it has. Because all charges are associated with the whole electron this is possible.

Conservation of charge is the property by virtue of which total charge of an isolated system always remains constant or conserved.

Additivity of charge is property by virtue of which total charge of a system is obtained simply by adding algebraically all the charges present anywhere on the system.


Which of the following parameter in the series LCR circuit is analogous to driving force F(t) in mechanics?

  • V0L

  • inductance L

  • capacitance C

  • voltage V0


The minimum magnetic dipole moment of electron in hydrogen atom is

  • eh2πm

  • eh4πm

  • ehπm

  • 0
