Three blocks of masses 4 kg, 2 kg, 1 kg respectively are in conta




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An electric bulb marked as 50 W-200 V is connected across a 100 V supply. The present power of the bulb is

  • 37.5 W

  • 25 W

  • 12.5 W

  • 10 W



Three blocks of masses 4 kg, 2 kg, 1 kg respectively are in contact on a frictionless table as shown in the figure. If a force of 14 N is applied on the 4 kg block, the contact force between the 4 kg and the 2 kg block will be


  • 2 N

  • 6 N

  • 8 N

  • 14 N


6 N

We know that, F = ma

         a = Fm = 147 = 2 ms-2


Hence, from the figure 

        14 − N = 4a

        14 − N = 8

                N = 6 N


In a mercury thermometer, the ice point (lower fixed point) is marked as 10° and the steam point (upper fixed point) is marked as 130°. At 40°C temperature, what will this thermometer read ?

  • 78°

  • 66°

  • 62°

  • 58°


Water is flowing through a very narrow tube. The velocity of water below which the flow remains a streamline flow is known as

  • relative velocity

  • terminal velocity

  • critical velocity

  • particle velocity


A train approaching a railway platform with a speed of 20 ms-1 starts blowing the whistle. Speed of sound in air is 340 ms-1. If the frequency of the emitted sound from the whistle is 640 Hz, the frequency of sound to a person standing on the platform will appear to be

  • 600 Hz

  • 640 Hz

  • 680 Hz

  • 720 Hz


What is the phase difference between two simple harmonic motions represented by x1 = A sin ωt + π6 and x2 = A cos (ωt) ?

  • π6

  • π3

  • π2

  • 2π3


Heat is produced at a rate given by H in a resistor when it is connected across a supply of voltage V. If now the resistance of the resistor is doubled and the supply voltage is made V/3, then the rate of production of heat in the resistor will be

  • H/18

  • H/9

  • 6H

  • 18H


When a spring is stretched by 10 cm, the potential energy stored is E. When the spring is stretched by 10 cm more, the potential energy stored in the spring becomes

  • 2 E

  • 4 E

  • 6 E

  • 10 E


The frequency of the first overtone of a closed pipe of length l1 is equal to that of the first overtone of an open pipe of length l2. The ratio of their lengths (l1 : l2) is

  • 2 : 3

  • 4 : 5

  • 3 : 5

  • 3 : 4


A body when fully immersed in a liquid of specific gravity 1.2 weighs 44 gwt. The same body when fully immersed in water weighs 50 gwt. The mass of the body is

  • 36 g

  • 48 g

  • 64 g

  • 80 g
