A particle moves towards east for 2 s with velocity 15 m/s a




NEET Class 12

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A ball is released from certain height which losses 50% of its kinetic energy on striking the ground it will contain a height again

  • 14th of initial height

  • 12th of initial height

  • 34th of initial height

  • None of the above


If applied torque on a system is zero, i.e.,Τ = 0 , then for that system

  • ω = 0

  • α = 0

  • J = 0

  • F = 0



A particle moves towards east for 2 s with velocity 15 m/s and move towards north for 8 s with velocity 5 m/s. Then, average velocity of the particle is

  • 1 m/s

  • 5 m/s

  • 7 m/s

  • 10 m/s


5 m/s

Distance covered towards east 

          = speed × time

          =  2 × 15 = 30 m

Distance covered towards north

         = speed × time

         = 8  × 5 = 40 m

Total displacement

          = 402 + 302

           = 50 m

Average velocity = Total displacementTotal time

                          = 502 + 8

                          = 5 m/s     


Match the following
Angular momentum 1. [M-1 L2 T-2 ]
B. Torque 2 [M1 L2 T-2
C. Gravitational constant 3.[M1 L2 T-2]
D. Tension 4.[M1 L2 T-1]

  • C- 2, D - 1

  • A - 4, B - 3

  • A - 3, C -2

  • B-2, A - 1


If we increase kinetic energy of a body 300%, then per cent increase in its momentum is

  • 50%

  • 300%

  • 100%

  • 150%


Change in acceleration due to gravity is same upto a height h from each other the earth surface and below depth x then relation between x and his ( h and x<<<Re )

  • x = h

  • x = 2h

  • x = h2

  • x = h2


Three points charges +q, -2q and +q are placed at points (x=0,  y=a,  z=0),  ( x=0,  y=0,  z=0 )  and  (x=a,  y=0,  z=0), respectively. The magnitude and direction of the electric dipole moment vector of this charge assembly are

  • √2 qa along + y direction

  • √2 qa along the line joining point

  • qa along the line joining points (x = 0,y = 0, z = 0) and (x = a, y = a, z = 0)

  • √2 qa along + x direction


A block B is pushed momentarily along a horizontal surface with an initial velocity v. If is the coefficient of vlicling friction between B and the surface, block B will come to rest after a time


  • vg μ

  • g μv

  • gv

  • vg


A particle of mass M and charge Q moving with velocity v describes a circular path of radius R when subjected to a uniform transverse magnetic field of induction B. The work done by the field, when the particle completes one full circle, is

  • M v2R 2πR

  • zero

  • BQ 2πR

  • BQv 2πR


A particle of mass 100 g is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 5 m/s. The work done by the force of gravity during the time the particle goes up is 

  • -0.5 J

  • -1.25 J

  • 1.25 J

  • 0.5 J
