A wire carrying current I has the shape as shown in the adjoinin




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A wire carrying current I has the shape as shown in the adjoining figure. Linear parts of the wire are very long and parallel to X  -axis while semicircular portion of radius R is lying in a Y-Z plane. The magnetic field at point  O is.

  • bold B space equals space fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o over denominator 4 straight pi end fraction straight l over straight R space left parenthesis straight pi stack space straight i with hat on top space plus 2 straight k with hat on top right parenthesis
  • bold B space equals space minus fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o over denominator 4 straight pi end fraction straight l over straight R space left parenthesis straight pi stack space straight i with hat on top space minus 2 straight k with hat on top right parenthesis
  • bold B space equals negative space fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o over denominator 4 straight pi end fraction straight l over straight R space left parenthesis straight pi stack space straight i with hat on top space plus 2 straight k with hat on top right parenthesis
  • bold B space equals negative space fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o over denominator 4 straight pi end fraction straight l over straight R space left parenthesis straight pi stack space straight i with hat on top space plus 2 straight k with hat on top right parenthesis


bold B space equals negative space fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o over denominator 4 straight pi end fraction straight l over straight R space left parenthesis straight pi stack space straight i with hat on top space plus 2 straight k with hat on top right parenthesis

The magnetic fiedl in the different regions is given by 



An electron moving in a circular orbit of radius r makes n rotations per second. The magnetic field produced at the centre has magnitude.

  • fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o ne over denominator 2 πr end fraction
  • zero

  • fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o straight n squared straight e over denominator straight r end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight mu subscript straight o straight n squared straight e over denominator straight r end fraction


A conducting square frame of side 'a' and a long straight wire carrying current I are located in the same plane as shown n the figure. The frame moves to the right with constant velocity 'v'. The emf induced in the frame will be proportional to

  • 1 over straight x squared
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator left parenthesis 2 straight x minus straight a right parenthesis squared end fraction
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator left parenthesis 2 straight x plus straight a right parenthesis squared end fraction
  • fraction numerator 1 over denominator left parenthesis 2 straight x plus straight a right parenthesis squared end fraction


On observing light from three different stars P, Q and R, It was found that intensity of violet colour is maximum in the spectrum of P, the intensity of green colour is maximum in the spectrum of R and the intensity of red colour is maximum in the spectrum of Q. If TP, TQ and TR are the respective absolute temperature of P, Q and R, then  it can conclude from the above observations that

  • TP > TQ>TR

  • TP > TR> TQ

  • TP > TR < TQ

  • TP > TR < TQ



A radiation of energy 'E' falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to the surface is 
(c = velocity of light)

  • straight E over straight c
  • fraction numerator 2 straight E over denominator straight c end fraction
  • fraction numerator 2 straight E over denominator straight c squared end fraction
  • fraction numerator 2 straight E over denominator straight c squared end fraction


In a double slit experiment, the two slits are 1 mm apart and the screen is placed in 1 m away. A monochromatic light of wavelength 500nm is used. What will be the width of each slit for obtaining ten maxima of double slit within the central maxima of double slit within the central maxima of single slit pattern?

  • 0.2mm

  • 0.1 mm

  • 0.5 mm

  • 0.5 mm



The refracting angle of a prism is A,  and the refractive index of the material of the prism is cot (A/2). The angle of minimum deviation is

  • 180o-3A

  • 180o-2A

  • 90o-A

  • 90o-A



Consider 3rd orbit of He+ (Helium), using non-relativistic approach, the speed of electron in this orbit will be (given K= 9 x 109 constant, Z=2 and h (Planck's constant = 6.6 x 10-34 Js-1

  • 2.92 x 106 m/s

  • 1.46 x 106 m/s

  • 0.73 x 106 m/s

  • 0.73 x 106 m/s



If radius of the Al presubscript 13 presuperscript 27 nucleus is taken to be RAl, then the radius of Te presubscript 53 presuperscript 125 nucleus is nearly

  • open parentheses 53 over 13 close parentheses to the power of 1 third end exponent straight R subscript Al
  • 5 over 3 straight R subscript Al
  • 3 over 5 straight R subscript Al
  • 3 over 5 straight R subscript Al


For a parallel beam of monochromatic light of wavelength 'λ'diffraction is produced by single slit whose width 'a' is of the order of the wavelength of the light. If 'D' is the distance of the screen from the slit the width of the central maxima will be

  • 2Dλ/a

  • Dλ/a

  • Da/λ

  • Da/λ

