The angle to which a cyclist bends when he covers a circular path




NEET Class 12

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n balls each of mass m impinge elastically each second on a surface with velocity v. The average force experienced by the surface will be

  • 2nmv

  • nmv

  • nmv2

  • 4nmv


A monkey of mass 30 kg climbs on a massless rope whose breaking strength is 450 N. The rope will break if the monkey (Take g = 10 m/s2 )

  • climbs up with a uniform speed of 5 m/s

  • climbs down with an acceleration 4 m/s2

  • climbs up with an acceleration 6 m/s2

  • climbs down with a uniform speed of 5 m/s2



The angle to which a cyclist bends when he covers a circular path of 34.3 m in 22 s is

  • 20°

  • 30°

  • 60°

  • 45°



Here,      l = 2πr          r = l2π  = 34.33.14 × 2Also       v = lt = 34.322The minimum velocity of a cyclist on a circular path is               v = rg tan θ    tan θ = v2rg = 34.3 × 34.322 × 3.14 × 234.3 × 9.8    tan θ = 1 = tan 45°So,         θ = 45°


A gun of mass M fires a bullet of mass m with velocity v. Then, the recoil speed of the gun will be

  • -mMv

  • 2mMv

  • Mmv

  • 2Mmv


A solid sphere of radius r made of a material of bulk modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in cyliridrical container. The massless piston of area A floats on the surface of the liquid. If a mass m is placed on a piston to compress the liquid, then the fractional change in the radius of the sphere will be

  • mgAK

  • 2mgAK

  • 3mgAK

  • mg3AK


If a liquid is flowing through a horizontal tube, then p + 12ρV2 = constant. This shows that

  • If p increases then V also increases

  • p and V both are constant

  • If p increases then V decreases

  • If p decreases then V also decreases


Water wets the walls of its glass container due to the fact that

  • cohesive force is greater than adhesive force

  • cohesive force is equal to the adhesive force

  • adhesive force is greater than the cohesive force

  • cohesive and adhesive forces form action-reaction pair


A lift is ascending with an acceleration g3 . A simple pendulum suspended from its ceiling oscillates with a period T. The period of oscillation of pendulum when the lift is stationary will be

  • 13 T

  • T

  • 2 T

  • 23 T


A stationary source emits a sound moving towards a wall with a velocity u. Speed of sound in air is v. The fractional change in the wavelength of the sound sent and the reflected sound is

  • v + uv - u

  • 2uv + u

  • 2vv + u

  • u + v2v


Mass of 1 mol of air is 29 x 10-3 kg. The speed of sound at STP will be nearly

  • 332.5 m/s

  • 340 m/s

  • 320 m/s

  • 325 m/s
