Two particles of mass m1 and m2 approach each other due to their




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Two particles of mass m1 and m2 approach each other due to their mutual gravitational attraction only. Then

  • accelerations of both the particles are equal

  • acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is proportional to m1

  • acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is proportional to m2

  • acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is inversely proportional to m1


acceleration of the particle of mass m1 is proportional to m2

The gravitational force acting between the two masses m1 and m2 is given by

       FG = Gm1m2r2

Force on mass m1,

      F1 = Gm1m2r2 = m1a1

where, a1 =  acceleration

 a1 = Gm2r2    a1  m2

and similarly, a2 ∝ m1


A satellite has kinetic energy K, potential energy V and total energy E. Which of the following statements is true ?

  • K = − V/2

  • K = V/2

  • E = K/2

  • E = − K/2


A large number of particles are placed around the origin, each at a distance R from the origin. The distance of the centre of mass of the system from the origin is

  • equal to R

  • less than equal to R

  • greater than R

  • greater than equal to R


Two particles A and B are moving as shown in the figure.


Their total angular momentum about the point O is

  • 9.8 kg m2 / s

  • zero

  • 52.7 kg m2 / s

  • 37.9 kg m2 / s


Particle A moves along X-axis with a uniform velocity of magnitude 10 m/s. Particle B moves with uniform velocity 20 m/s along a direction making an angle of 60° with the positive direction of X-axis as shown in the figure. The relative velocity of B with respect to that of A is


  • 10 m/s along X-axis

  • 103  m/s along Y-axis (perpendicular to X-axis)

  • 105 m/s along the bisection of the velocities of A and B

  • 30 m/s along negative X-axis


Block B lying on a table weighs W. The coefficient of static friction between the block and the table is µ. Assume that the cord between B and the knot is horizontal. The maximum weight of the block A for which the system will be stationary is


  • W tan θμ

  • µW tan θ

  •  μW 1 + tan2 θ

  • µW sin θ


Two particles A and B having different masses are projected from a tower with same speed. A is projected vertically upward and B vertically downward. On reaching the ground

  • velocity of A is greater than that of B

  • velocity of B is greater than that of A

  • both A and B attain the same velocity

  • the particle with the larger mass attains higher velocity


A cylinder of height h is filled with water and is kept on a block of height h/2. The level of water in the cylinder is kept constant. Four holes numbered 1,2, 3 and 4 are at the side of the cylinder and at heights 0, h/4, h/2 and 3h/4, respectively. When all four holes are opened together, the hole from which water will reach farthest distance on the plane PQ is the hole number


  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4


A circular disc rolls on a horizontal floor without slipping and the centre of the disc moves with a uniform velocity v. Which of the following values of the velocity at a point on the rim of the disc can have ? 

  • v

  • − v

  • 2v

  • Zero


Three bodies of the same material and having masses m, m and 3m are at temperatures 40°C, 50° C and 60° C, respectively. If the bodies are brought in thermal contact, the final temperature will be

  • 45°C

  • 54°C

  • 52°C

  • 48°C
