A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped vertically in water and the




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A simple pendulum of length L swings in a vertical plane. The tension of the string when it makes an angle θ with the vertical and the bob of mass in moves with a speed v is (g is the gravitational acceleration)

  • mv2/L

  • mg cos θ + mv2 / L

  • mg cos θ − mv2 / L

  • mg cos θ


The length of a metal wire is L1 when the tension is T1 and L2 when the tension is T2. The unstretched length of wire is

  • L1 + L22

  • L1L2

  • T2L1 - T1L2T2 - T1

  • T2L1 + T1L2T2 + T1


The rms speed of oxygen is v at a particular temperature. If the temperature is doubled and oxygen molecules dissociate into oxygen atoms, the rms speed becomes

  • v

  • 2 v

  • 2 v

  • 4 v



A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped vertically in water and the liquid rises upto 10 cm. If the entire system is kept in a freely falling platform, the length of the water column in the tube will be

  • 5 cm

  • 10 cm

  • 15 cm

  • 20 cm


20 cm

The height raised by liquid in capillary tube

         h = 2l cos θρgh

As in freely falling platform, a body experiences weightlessness. So, the liquid will rise upto to length of the capillary. i,e. height raised by the liquid will be 20 cm.


A train is moving with a uniform speed of 33 m/s and an observer is approaching the train with the same speed. If the train blows a whistle of frequency 1000 Hz and the velocity of sound is 333 m/s, then the apparent frequency of the sound that the observer hears is 

  • 1220 Hz

  • 1099 Hz

  • 1110 hz

  • 1200 Hz


A solid maintained at t1° C is kept in an evacuated chamber at temperature t2° C (t2 >>t1). The rate of heat absorbed by the body is proportional to

  • t24 − t14

  • (t24 + 273) − (t14 + 273)

  • t2 − t1

  • t22 − t12


The length of an open organ pipe is twice the length of another closed organ pipe. The fundamental frequency of the open pipe is 100 Hz. The frequency of the third harmonic of the closed pipe is

  • 100 Hz

  • 200 Hz

  • 300 Hz

  • 150 Hz


The pressure p, volume V and temperature T for a certam gas are related by p = AT - BT2V, where A and B are constants. The work done by the gas when the temperature changes from T1 to T2 while the pressure remains constant, is given by

  • A (T2 − T1) + B (T22 − T12)

  • A T2 - T1V2 - V1 - B T22 - T12V2 - V1

  • A T2 - T1 - B2 T22 - T12

  • A T2 - T12V2 - V1


The line AA' is on charged infinite conducting plane which is perpendicular to the plane of the of the paper. The plane has a surface density of charge σ and B is ball of mass m with a like charge of magnitude q. B is connected by string from a point on the line AA'. The tangent of angle (θ) formed between the line AA' and the string is


  • 2ε0mg

  • 4πε0mg

  • 2πε0mg

  • ε0mg


The current I is in the circuit shown is


  • 1.33 A

  • Zero

  • 2.00 A

  • 1.00 A
