A particular of mass m is executing oscillation about the origin




NEET Class 12

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Two masses 10 kg and 20 kg respectively are connected by a massless springs as shown in the figure. A force of 200 N acts on the 20 kg mass. At the instant shown is a figure the 10 kg mass has an acceleration of 12 m/s2. The value of the acceleration of 20 kg mass is

  • 4 m/s2

  • 10 m/s2

  • 20 m/s2

  • 30 m/s2


A cylinder rolls up an inclined plane, reaches some height and then rolls down (without slipping throuhgout these motions). The directions of the frictional force acting on the cylinder are

  • Up the incline, while ascending and down the incline while descending

  • Up the incline, while ascending as well as descending

  • down the incline, while ascending and up the incline while descending

  • Down the incline while ascending as well as descending.


A long block A of mass M is at rest on a smooth horizontal surface.  A small block B of mass M/2 is placed on A at one end and projected along A with same velocity v. The coefficient of friction between the block is μ. Then the acceleration of blocks A and B before reaching a common velocity will be respectively

  • μg2 (towards right), μg2 (towards left)

  • μg (towards right), μg (towards left)

  • ug2 (towards right), μg (towards left)

  • μg (towards right), μg2 (towards left)


A uniform rod of length l is free to rotate in a vertical plane about a fixed horizontal axis through B. The rod begins rotating from rest from its unstable equilibrium position. When, it has turned through an angle θ, its angular velocity ω is given by

  • 6gI sin θ2

  • 6gI cos θ2

  • 6gI sin θ

  • 6gl cos θ


A stick of length L and mass M lies on a frictionless horizontal surface on which it is free to move in any way. A ball of mass m moving with speed V collides elastically with the stick as shown in fig below. If after the collision, the ball comes to rest, then what should be the mass of the ball?



  • m = 2M

  • m = M

  • m= M/2

  • m = M/A


ABC is the right-angled triangular plane of uniform thickness. The sides are such that AB>BC as shown in the figure. I1, I2, I3 are moments of inertia about AB, BC and AC, respectively. Then which of the following relations is correct?

  • I1 = I2 = I3

  • I2 > I1> I3

  • I3<I2<11

  • I3>I1>I2


An ice-berg of density 900 kgm-3 is floating in the water of density 1000 kgm-3. The percentage of the volume of ice-berg outside the water is

  • 20%

  • 35%

  • 10%

  • 11%


A solid cylinder is attached to a horizontal massless spring as shown in the figure. If the cylinder rolls without slipping, the time period of oscillation of the cylinder is

  • 2πxg

  • 2π2M3K

  • 2π3M8K

  • 2π3M2K



A particular of mass m is executing oscillation about the origin on X- axis. Its potential energy is V(x) = K |x|3. Where K is a positive constant. If the amplitude of oscillation is a, then its time period T is proportional to

  • 1a

  • a

  • a

  • a3/2



Given, V = kx3

Total energy (E) = Maximum potential energy

= ka3

From conservation of energy

12 m dxdt2 + kx2 = ka3 12m dxdt2 = k(a3 -x3) dxdt = 2km(a3-x3)dxa3-x3 = 2kmdtOr integrating0a dxa3 - x3 = 2km0T/4dtor 0a dxa3-x3 = 2kmT4Let x = a sin θ  dx = a cos θ  0π/2 a cos θ a3 -(a sin θ)3 = 2Km T4


A steam of a liquid of density ρ flowing horizontally with speed v rushes out of a tube of radius r and hits a vertical wall nearly normally. Assuming that the liquid does not rebound from the wall, the force exerted on the wall by the impact of the liquid is given by

  • πrρv

  • πrρv2

  • πr2ρv

  • πr2ρv2
