A beam of light composed of red and green rays is incident obliqu




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A beam of light composed of red and green rays is incident obliquely at a point on the face of a rectangular glass slab. When coming out on the opposite parallel face, the red and green rays emerge from.

  • Two points propagating in two different non- parallel directions.

  • Two points propagating in two different parallel directions

  • one point propagating in two different directions.

  • one point propagating in the same direction.


Two points propagating in two different parallel directions

We know that in any medium except vacuum or air, the velocities of different colours are different. Therefore, both red and green colours are refracted at different, angles of refraction. So, after emerging from glass slab through opposite parallel faces, they appear at two different points an move in two different parallel directions.


The plane face of a plano-convex lens is silvered. If μ be the refractive index and R, the radius of curvature of the curved surface, then the system will behave like a concave mirror of curvature.

  • μR

  • R2

  • R/(μ -1)

  • [(μ + 1)/(μ-1)]R


The maximum numbers of possible interference maxima for slit separation equal to twice the wavelength in Young's double slit experiment is

  • infinite

  • five

  • three

  • zero


An isotropic point source of light is suspended h metre vertically above the centre of the circular table of radius r metre. Then, the ratio of illumenances at the centre to that at the edge of the table is

  • 1 + r2h2

  • 1 + h2r2

  • 1 + r2h23/2

  • 1 + h2r23/2


The half-life period of a radioactive element X is the same as the mean life of another radioactive element Y. Initially, both of them have the same numbers of atoms then,

  • X and Y have the same decay rate initially

  • X and Y decay at the same rate always

  • Y will decay at a faster rate than X

  • X will decay at a faster rate than Y


A source emits electromagnetic waves of wavelength 3m. One beam reaches the observer directly and other after reflection from a water surface, travelling 1.5 m extra distance and with an intensity reduced to 1/4 as compared to intensity due to the direct beam alone. The resultant intensity will be.

  • (1/4) fold

  • (3/4) fold

  • (5/4) fold

  • (9/4) fold


The following circuit represents

  • OR gate

  • XOR gate

  • AND gate

  • NAND gate


The mass of a proton is 1847 times that of an electron. An electron and a proton are injected into a uniform electric field at right angle to the direction of the field with the same initial K.E.

  • The electron trajectory will be less curved than the proton trajectory.

  • both the trajectories will be straight

  • the proton trajectory will be less curved than the electron trajectory.

  • both the trajectories will be equally curved.


A photocell is illuminated by a small bright source placed 1m away. When the same source of light is placed 2m away, the electrons emitted by photo cathode

  • Carry one quarter of their previous energy

  • carry one quarter of their previous momenta

  • are half as numerous

  • are one quarter as numerous


The potential of an atom is given by V = V0loge(r/r0) where r0 is a constant and r is the radius of the orbit. Assuming Bohr's model to be applicable, which variation or rn with n is possible (n being a principal quantum number)?

  • rn  n

  • rn  1n

  • rn  n2

  • rn  1n2
