Diagnosis of the gaps in the learning of students should be follo


Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

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Understanding the principles of development of a child helps a teacher in

  • identifying the economic background of the learner

  • rationalizing why the learner ought to be taught

  • effectively catering to the different learning styles of learners

  • identifying the social status of the learner


The statement 'Men are generally more intelligent than women'

  • maybe true

  • shows gender bias

  • is true for different domains of intelligence

  • is true


Irfan breaks toys and dismantles them to explore their components. What would you do?

  • Always keep a close watch

  • Encourage his inquisitive nature and channelise his energy

  • Make him understand that toys should not be broken

  • Never let Irfan play with toys


Christina took her class for a field trip and after corning back, she discussed the trip with her students. It may be connotated as

  • assessment for learning

  • learning for assessment

  • learning of assessment

  • assessment of learning


Every learner is unique means that

  • learners do not have any common qualities, nor do they share common goals

  • a common curriculum for all learners is not possible

  • it is impossible to develop the potential of learners in a heterogeneous class

  • no two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and talents


Creative answers require

  • content-based questions

  • open-ended questions

  • a highly disciplined classroom

  • direct teaching and direct questions


Learners should not be encouraged to

  • actively interact with other learners in group work

  • participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible

  • memorise all the answers to questions which the teacher may ask

  • ask as many questions as possible both inside and outside the class


Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for Formative Assessment?

  • Oral questions

  • Term test

  • Quiz and games

  • Assignment


Multilingual character of Indian society should be seen as

  • a resource for enrichment of school life

  • a challenge to teacher's capacity to motivate students to learn

  • a factor that makes school life a complex experience for the learners

  • a hindrance in teaching-learning process



Diagnosis of the gaps in the learning of students should be followed by

  • intensive drill and practice

  • systematic revision of all lessons

  • reporting the findings to learners and parents

  • appropriate remedial measures


appropriate remedial measures

Gaps in learning, when identified, need to be catered, and these can be catered only by offering the remedial action for the learners.
