Mastery orientation can be encouraged by from Class 12 TET Previ


Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

Pre Boards

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Even though this was clearly in violation of his safety needs, Captain Vikram Batra died fighting in the Kargil War, while protecting his country. He might have

  • sought novel experience

  • achieved self-actualisation

  • ignored his belongingness needs

  • wanted to earn a good name to his family


Extinction of a response is more difficult following

  • partial reinforcement

  • continuous reinforcement

  • punishment

  • verbal reproach



Mastery orientation can be encouraged by

  • focusing on students' individual effort

  • comparing students' successes with each other

  • assigning lot of practice material as home assignments

  • taking unexpected tested


focusing on students' individual effort


Which one of the following is correctly matched?

  • Physical development  Environment

  • Cognitive development  Maturation

  • Social development  Environment

  • Emotional development  Maturation


All the following facts indicate that a child is emotionally and socially fit in a class except

  • develop good relationships with peers

  • concentrate on and persist with challenging tasks

  • manage both anger and joy effectively

  • concentrate persistently on competition with peers


Which of the following statements support role of environment in the development of a child?

  • Some students quickly process information while others in the same class do not

  • There has been a steady increase in students' average performance on IQ tests in last few decades

  • Correlation between IQs of identical twins raised in different homes is as high as 0.75

  • Physically fit children are often found to be morally good


Socialization includes cultural transmission and

  • discourages rebellion

  • development of individual personality

  • fits children into labels

  • provides emotional support


A teacher shows two identical glasses filled with an equal amount of juice in them. She empties them in two different glasses one of which is taller and the other one is wider. She asks her class to identify which glass would have more juice in it. Students reply hat the taller glass has more juice. Her students have difficulty in dealing with

  • accommodation

  • egocentrism

  • decentring

  • reversibility


Karnail Singh does not pay income tax despite legal procedures and expenses. He thinks that he cannot support a corrupt government which spends millions of rupees in building unnecessary dams. He is probably in which state of Kohl berg's stages of moral development?

  • Conventional

  • Post- conventional

  • Pre - conventional

  • Para -conventional


Intelligence theory incorporates the mental processes involved in intelligence (i.e. meta components) and the varied forms that intelligence can take (i.e. creative intelligence)

  • Spearman's 'g' factor

  • Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence

  • Savant theory of intelligence

  • Thurstone's primary mental abilities
