Progressive education is associated with which of the following s


Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

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Developmental perspective of teaching demands teachers to

  • be strict disciplinarians as children experiment quite frequently

  • adopt instructional strategies based on the knowledge of developmental factors

  • treat children in different developmental stages in an equitable manner

  • provide learning that results in the development of only the cognitive domain


Learners cannot learn unless

  • they are taught according to the needs of social aims of education

  • they know that the material being taught will be tested in the near future

  • they are not prepared to learn

  • they are asked about their learning in schools by their parents at home on a daily basis


Theory of social learning emphasises on which of the following factors?

  • Nature

  • Nurture

  • Adaptation

  • Emendation


Psychosocial theory emphasises on which of the following?

  • Stimuli and Response

  • Phallic and Latency stages

  • Industry versus Inferiority stage

  • Operant Conditioning


The fact that children require culturally relevant knowledge and skills is attributed to

  • Charles Darwin

  • BF Skinner

  • Urie Bronfenbrenner

  • Lev Vygotsky


As a teacher, you firmly believe in 'saying no to ragging and bullying' and put up posters and form committees in schools. The young adolescents who join you with strong beliefs, are at which of the following stages?

  • The conventional level

  • The pre-conventional level

  • The post-conventional level

  • Social order maintaining level



Progressive education is associated with which of the following statements?

  • Teachers are the originators of information and authority

  • Knowledge is generated through direct experience and collaboration

  • Learning proceeds in a straight way with factual gathering and skill mastery

  • Examination is norm-referenced and external


Knowledge is generated through direct experience and collaboration

Progressive education empasises on
• learning by doing, hands-on projects, expeditionary learning, experimental learning.
• collaborative and co-operative learning projects


In context of 'theory of multiple intelligences', which one of the following intelligence is required for an airforce pilot?

  • Interpersonal

  • Linguistic

  • Kinesthetic

  • Intrapersonal


The factor 'g' in the Spearman definition of intelligence stands for

  • genetic intelligence

  • generative intelligence

  • general intelligence

  • global intelligence


Retrieving hidden objects is an evidence that infants have begun to master. which of the following cognitive functions?

  • Intentional behaviour

  • Object-permanence

  • Problem-solving

  • Experimentation
