Child is a book which the teacher has to learn from page to page.


Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following statements is not true?

  • Heredity is the transmission of traits from parents to off springs

  • Development is the product of the interaction of the organism and its environment'

  • Heredity is the sublimation of inborn individual traits

  • Heredity is the transmission from parents to offsprings of physical and mental characteristics


Laws of Association are

  • Law of Similarity

  • Law of Contrast

  • Law of Contiguity

  • All of these


According to Gates, '_________ is modification of behaviour through experience'.

  • Motivation

  • Adjustment

  • Learning

  • Thinking


What is called the tendency of self-love?

  • Self-centered tendency

  • Egoistic tendency

  • Tendency of Narcissism

  • Tendency of Hypnotism


Intelligence is transmitted in future generations. The function of ___________ is to create conducive situations for the development of this innate ability.

  • the locality

  • the season

  • the environment

  • the climate


The measure representing the total frequency distribution is called.

  • measure of reliable variation

  • measure of central tendency

  • measure of representative correlation

  • measure of representative cumulative percentage


Which of the following characteristic is not true in reference to intrinsically motivated children?

  • They like challenging tasks

  • They are always successful

  • They feel joy during the work

  • They express high level energy in difficult tasks


8. Child is a book which the teacher has to learn from page to page. Who has stated the above?
  • Plato

  • Rousseau

  • Aristotle

  • Ross



Rousseau believed that nature is supreme and there is nothing beyond and behind nature. He believed in natural consequences. He believed in the isolation of individuals than society. He was totally against society. He had laid stress on negative education. He had no place for positive virtues. He believed in free discipline, free personality, and free education. He had not given a higher place to the teacher. He was anti of physical punishment. He was the champion of the dignity of man. He has stated that man born free, but everywhere he is in the chain. He had full faith in natural man, natural civilization and natural state without any corruption, corrupt rulers and social classes. He has stated that God makes all things good man meddles with them and they become evil. He did not like artificiality. His philosophy is totally based on natural things and natural man. He has stated that natural sciences, social sciences, mathematics, craft, physical education, religion, demotic activities, and moral education should be included in the curriculum


Who has central place in Education according to Child Psychology?

  • The Child

  • The Teacher

  • The Guardian

  • The Administrator


Which one of the following method has a process of reasoning from general to specific?

  • Inductive

  • Deductive

  • Both (1) and (2)

  • None of these
