A student highlights the main points in a chapter, draws a visual


Child Development and Pedagogy


TET Class 12

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Research has pointed out that several levels of discrimination exist in the schools. Which of these is not an example of discrimination at upper primary level?

  • Many teachers use only lecture method to teach

  • Teachers have low expectations of children from lower socio-economic strata

  • Dalit children are made to sit separately during mid-day meals

  • Girls are not encouraged to take up maths and science


A teacher can effectively respond to the needs of children from 'disadvantaged sections' of society by

  • telling the 'other children' to co-operate with the 'disadvantaged children' and help them learn the ways of the school

  • sensitizing the disadvantaged children to the norms and strictures of schools so that they can comply with those

  • reflecting on the school system and herself about various ways in which biases and stereotypes surface

  • ensuring that the children do not get a chance to interact with each other to minimize the chances of their being bullied


A teacher in a multi-cultural classroom would ensure that the assessment considers the following

  • reliability and validity of her assessment tool

  • socio-cultural context of her students

  • expectations of the school administration by complying with the minimum levels of learning

  • standardization of the assessment tool


What is a major criticism of Kohlberg's theory?

  • Kohlberg proposed a theory without any empirical basis

  • Kohlberg did not give clear cut stages of moral development

  • Kohlberg proposed that moral reasoning is developmental

  • Kohlberg did not account for cultural differences in moral reasoning of men and women


Which one of the following statements best summarizes the relationship between development and learning as proposed by Vygotsky?

  • Development is independent of learning

  • Learning and development are parallel processes

  • Development process lags behind the learning process

  • Development is synonymous with learning

16. How can a teacher help children become better problem solvers?
  • By giving children a variety of problems to solve and support while solving them

  • By giving tangible rewards for solving problems

  • By encouraging children to look for answers to the problems in the textbook

  • By providing correct solutions to all the problems they pose to students



A student highlights the main points in a chapter, draws a visual representation and poses questions that arise in her mind at the end of the chapter. She is

  • trying to regulate her own thinking by organization of ideas

  • trying to use method of loci

  • trying to use the strategy of maintenance rehearsal

  • ensuring observational learning


trying to regulate her own thinking by organization of ideas

A student is trying to regulate her own thinking by the organisation of ideas by highlighting the main points in a chapter and draws a visual representation and poses questions that arise in their mind at the end of the chapter.


In a learner-centred classroom, the teacher would

  • encourage children to compete with each other for marks to facilitate learning

  • use lecture method to explain key facts and then assess the learners for their attentiveness

  • demonstrate what she expects her students to do and then gives them guidelines to do the same

  • employ such methods in which the learners are encouraged to take initiative for their own learning


A lot of debate surrounds whether girls and boys have specific sets of abilities due to their genetic materials. Which one of the following are you most likely to agree with in this context?

  • Girls are socialized to be caring while boys are discouraged to show emotions such as crying

  • Boys cannot be caring since they are born that way

  • After puberty boys and girls cannot play with each other since their interests are complete opposites

  • All girls have inherent talent for arts while boys are genetically programmed to be better at aggressive sports


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence, the factor that would contribute most for being a 'self-aware' individual would be

  • Musical

  • Intrapersonal

  • Spiritual

  • Linguistic
