Formative Assessment is assessment from Class 12 TET Previous Ye


English Language


TET Class 12

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Essays or long writing tasks especially on a discursive issue should

  • help students with grammar

  • help them to improve their handwriting

  • help them discuss the different points of view and justify them with illustrative points

  • help students develop their literary skills


A teacher designs a test to find out the cause of the poor grades of her learners through a/an

  • proficiency test

  • achievement test

  • aptitude test

  • diagnostic test


When learners are engaged in a pair activity, taking on roles of a doctor and a patient, the activity is called

  • declamation

  • simulation

  • exchanging notes

  • real activity


Gender stereotypes and bias among learners can be discouraged by

  • using textbooks which do not perpetuate such beliefs

  • creating an open and encouraging atmosphere in a mixed class

  • pressuring girls to learn cooking

  • enabling all learners to cook and sew irrespective of gender


Communicative Language Teaching is concerned with

  • teaching language to learners for written tests

  • interpreting grammar rules to suit the audience

  • enhancing receptive and productive skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing

  • teaching of vocabulary and grammar through rules of spelling and language


What is the skill among the ones given below that cannot be tested in a formal written examination?

  • Meaning of words and phrases

  • Extensive reading for pleasure

  • Analysing texts

  • Reading for information



Formative Assessment is assessment

  • at learning

  • in learning

  • for learning

  • of learning


for learning

Formative assessment means assessment during the learning process, it is also diagnostic in nature.


Ania, while teaching paragraph construction, should draw attention to

  • originality of ideas

  • topic sentence, supporting details and connectors

  • a range of vocabulary

  •  a large variety of idea


Which of the following is suitable for making students responsible for their own learning?

  • Using technology to chat and network

  • Encouraging students to ask more and more questions

  • Giving a lot of homework, project work and assignments to improve language skills of students

  • Discouraging students from making decisions about how they learn best


The Constructivist Approach to learning means

  • teaching rules of grammar and consolidating through rigorous practice

  • helping learners acquire new vocabulary by studying literature intensively

  • teaching new words and structures using a variety of audio-visual aids followed by practice through drill

  • involving the students in a variety of activities to encourage them to learn new words and structures by accommodating them with those that they have already learnt through a process of discovery
