
English Language


TET Class 12

Pre Boards

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Sample Papers

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


What does motivation do in the process of learning?

  • It differentiates new learning from old learning.

  • It makes learners think unidirectionally.

  • It sharpens memory of the learners.

  • It creates interest for learning among young learners.


Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions
Ashoka is worthy______remembrance.

  • with

  • at

  • for

  • of


What is the subject of the following sentence?

  • No man can serve two masters.

  • No man can

  • Can serve two master

  • Two masters


Among these adventures, in the year 1887, was a youth called Jacob who was then twenty-one years old. Although so young he had already lived a risky and dangerous life. He had been a seaman and crossed the Pacific, and been a pirate and a river patrol-man, a coal shoveller at a power plant, a landless man and a 'hobo'. He had tramped the United States and Canada, switch rides on freight trains, and dodging and fighting railwaymen and police and knew all about cold and hunger, and poverty and danger, and he had served a prison-sentence of thirty days.
Though he did little else, he had a great love for books and words, and though he had found no gold in the Klondike, these things were soon to earn him a fortune. He came back from Alaska after a year suffering from scurvy and without a penny in his pocket. He had, however, a great wealth of experience and he began to write stories about places he had seen and the people he had met. After months of hard work and hunger, he found success. Magazines began to accept his Alaskan stories. Soon, he was famous. In the next sixteen years, he published fifty books and made and spent a million dollars. He died in 1916.

In the given passage, what do you understand by the word 'hobo'?

  • A hero

  • Someone who does not have a job or a house and moves from one place to other

  • Someone who is brave

  • Someone who fights with everyone and does not sit quietly ever


Among these adventures, in the year 1887, was a youth called Jacob who was then twenty-one years old. Although so young he had already lived a risky and dangerous life. He had been a seaman and crossed the Pacific, and been a pirate and a river patrol-man, a coal shoveller at a power plant, a landless man and a 'hobo'. He had tramped the United States and Canada, switch rides on freight trains, and dodging and fighting railwaymen and police and knew all about cold and hunger, and poverty and danger, and he had served a prison-sentence of thirty days.
Though he did little else, he had a great love for books and words, and though he had found no gold in the Klondike, these things were soon to earn him a fortune. He came back from Alaska after a year suffering from scurvy and without a penny in his pocket. He had, however, a great wealth of experience and he began to write stories about places he had seen and the people he had met. After months of hard work and hunger, he found success. Magazines began to accept his Alaskan stories. Soon, he was famous. In the next sixteen years, he published fifty books and made and spent a million dollars. He died in 1916.

'Scurvy' means

  • a disease resulting from a lack of vitamin C

  • an injury caused to the body from freezing cold

  • a sea-sickness

  • a feeling of nausea


Identify the wrong collective noun?

  • Army

  • Sheeps

  • Scissors

  • Daughters--in--law


Identify the correct sentence among the following:

  • Please look at my certificates

  • Please overlook at my certificates

  • Please see my certificates

  • Please see into my certificates


Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate word
Let us not confuse liberty_______ license.

  • with

  • from

  • for

  • than


Which conjunction will be the most appropriate to join the following sentences?
He lost the prize. He tried his best.

  • as

  • because

  • though

  • for



Which part of the following sentence is predicate?
On Saturday morning my friends and I play football in the park.

  • On Saturday morning

  • Play football in the park

  • My friends and I

  • On Saturday morning ...... play football in the park.


On Saturday morning ...... play football in the park.
