Given linear equations, I, II and III, a learner is not able to s




TET Class 12

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The ratio between the length and the perimeter of a rectangular plot is 1 : 3. What is the ratio between the length and breadth of the plot?

  • 2:1

  • 3:2

  • Data inadequate

  • 1:2


If a, b and c are three natural numbers in ascending order, then

  • c- a= b2

  • c- a< b2

  • c2 + b2 = a2

  • c2 - a2 > b


If a * b = a2 + b2and  ab= a2 - b2, then the value of (5 * 2)25 is 

  • 225

  • 226

  • 216

  • 215


Unit's digit in 132003 is

  • 3

  • 7

  • 9

  • 1


The smallest number by which 68600 must be multiplied to get a perfect cube is

  • 10

  • 8

  • 12

  • 5


'Buy three, get one free.' What is the percentage of discount being offered here?

  • 25

  • 20

  • 28.56

  • 33.33


A cyclist at 'C' is cycling towards 'B'. How far will he have to cycle from C before he is equidistant from both A and B?

  • 3 km

  • 6 km

  • 5 km

  • 4 km



Given linear equations, I, II and III, a learner is not able to solve III algebraically. The most likely area of difficulty is that the learner has not understood

  • that two equations can be solved by method of substitution

  • the method of solving equations using graphs

  • that both the equations in III can be altered by multiplying with suitable numbers

  • that two equations can be added or subtracted to solve then


that both the equations in III can be altered by multiplying with suitable numbers

Equations 1 and 2 are easier for the child to solve as the two have one of the variables which have the same value but the equation 3 has different values of variables. The child when not be able to solve the third indicates that he/she is having a difficulty in the idea that the two equations can be solved by putting as one of the values of variable equal, which can be done by multiplying the variable by a number to make one of the variables equal.


When doing exponents, the work observed in a learner's notebook was as follows

43 x 42 = 45 , 6x 64 = 68 , 73 x 37 = 2110

The learner has not understood how to

  • add exponents and multiply

  • multiply numbers with same base

  • multiply numbers with different bases

  • add exponents


A square sheet ABCD, when rotated on its diagonal AC as its axis of rotation, sweeps a

  • spindle

  • cylinder

  • trapezium

  • cone
