If the area of an equilateral triangle is 163 cm, then the perime




TET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which two numbers when multiplied give
the product 24 ?

  • is a closed ended question as it has definite numbers of answers

  • suggests general problem solving strategy to the child so that he/she can answer correct

  • helps the child to think metacognitively

  • is an open ended question as it has more than one answer


A class VII teacher wants to discuss the following problem in the class. "A square is divided into four congruent rectangles. The perimeter of each rectangle is 40 units. What is the perimeter of given square?" Key mathematical concepts required to solve this problem is

  • area of square and rectangle, perimeter of square and rectangle and definition of square and rectangle

  • meaning of the terms square, rectangle, congruent, perimeter etc

  • area of rectangle, perimeter of squa

  • formation of algebraic equation to solve the problem


The father's age is 6 times his son's age. 4yr hence, the age of the father will be four times his son's age. The present ages in years of the son and father are, respectively

  • 4 and 24

  • 4 and 24

  • 6 and 36

  • 3 and 24


In the figure given below, if <OAB = 40°, then <ACB is equal to

  • 500

  • 400

  • 600

  • 700



If the area of an equilateral triangle is 163 cm, then the perimeter of the triangle is

  • 48cm

  • 24cm

  • 12cm

  • 36cm



Let side of equilateral triangle = a cm 34a2 = 163  a = 8cm  Perimeter = 3a = 24cm


Mode of the given data

29, 25, 38, 22, 38, 25, 38, 29 is

  • 29

  • 38

  • 25

  • 22


A vessel is in the form of an open inverted cone of height 8 cm and radius of its top is 5 cm. It is filled with water upto the brim. When lead shots are dropped into the vessel, one fourth of the water flows out. The number oflead shots dropped in the vessel where radius of each lead shot is 0.5 cm

  • 50

  • 75

  • 100

  • 150


Four traffic lights give red signals after 30 sec, 45 sec, 60 sec and 120 sec respectively. If all the traffic lights began at the same time, then all of them will give red signal at the same time in

  • 180s

  • 120s

  • 300s

  • 360s


If the number 23583 ab is completely divisible by 80, then the value of a - b is

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 0


O is the centre of circle in following figure. <OCB equals

  • 100

  • 300

  • 200

  • 400
