Which of the following group of words can be correctly identified




TET Class 12

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PET bottles and jars are commonly used for storing edible items. PET is a very familiar form of

  • rayon

  • polyamide

  • polyester

  • acrylic


When electric current is passed through a metallic conductor, amount of heat produced in the conductor depends on its

  • material and thickness

  • material, length and thickness

  • material and length

  • length and thickness


The minerals that are required in the right amount for proper functioning of muscles are

  • iodine and fluorine

  • iron and iodine

  • iron and calcium

  • sodium and potassium


The gases present in atmosphere that cause greenhouse effect are

  • methane, water vapour, carbon dioxide

  • carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen

  • carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, methane

  • nitrous oxide, oxygen, water vapour


When carbon dioxide is passed through clear lime water solution, it turns milky. The milky appearance of lime water is due to

  • presence of soluble calcium carbonate

  • curdling of milk due to lime in lime water

  • presence of impurities in lime water

  • presence of insoluble calcium carbonate


In order to determine acidic, basic or neutral character of solutions, a student tabulated the following results after experimentation. Which of the following observations has been tabulated correctly?
Case Test Solution Colour change on red litmus paper Colour change on blue litmus paper Acidic/Basic/neutral
A NaCl No change Red  Acidic
B Lime water Blue No change Neutral
C Vinegar No change No change Neutral
D Washing soda Blue No change Basic


  • C

  • D

  • A

  • B


Which one of the following is most suited to the development of scientific skills in students?

  • Conducting science olympiads

  • Performing laboratory work

  • Conducting Science quiz

  • Organising a field visit


A Science teacher is interested to focus more on acquisition of process skills by the learners. Which of the following combination of methods of teaching should be preferred by her to achieve the objectives?

  • Project-cum-laboratory method

  • Lecture-cum-demonstration method

  • Assignment-cum-questioning method

  • Lecture-cum-discussion method



Which of the following group of words can be correctly identified with Rhizobium?

  • Roots of legumes, parasite, soluble nitrogen compounds

  • Leguminous plants, symbiotic, stem nodes

  • Root nodules, pitcher plant, nitrogen deficient soil

  • Nitrogen fixation, root nodules, leguminous plants


Nitrogen fixation, root nodules, leguminous plants

Bacteria which is known as Rhizobium converts atmospheric nitrogen into soluble nitrogen compounds. These are found in the roots of leguminous plants, insectivorous plants and the branched which are lacking nitrogen.


A laboratory thermometer shows five small divisions between the markings of 55°C and 56°C. This means that the thermometer can read correctly up to

  • 55.2°C

  • 55.25°C

  • 55.1°C

  • 55.5°C
