Which blood corpuscle help in coagulation of blood? from Class 1




TET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following method will you use to develop an aquarium?

  • Heuristic method

  • Problem solving method

  • Project method

  • Programmed method


The concept of "Seed germination" can be best taught by

  • showing germinated seeds to the class and explaining the process of germination

  • presenting the different stages of germination through drawing on the board

  • showing photographs of seed germination

  • asking the students to sow seeds, observe and draw the different stages of germination


Which of the following is immovable joint?

  • Pivot-joint between head and neck

  • Hinge-joint of elbow

  • Joint between skull bone

  • Ball and socket joint



Which blood corpuscle help in coagulation of blood?

  • Lymphocyte

  • Platelets

  • Monocyte

  • Red blood corpuscles



Coagulation is a complex process by which the blood forms clots to block and then heal a lesion/wound/cut and stop the bleeding. It is a crucial part of hemostasis - stopping blood loss from damaged blood vessels. In hemostasis, a damaged blood vessel wall is plugged by platelet and a fibrin-containing clot to stop the bleeding, so that the damage can be repaired. Coagulation involves a cellular (platelet) and protein (coagulation factor) component. When the lining of a blood vessel (endothelium) is damaged, platelets immediately form a plug at the site of the injury, while at the same time proteins in the blood plasma respond in a complex chemical reaction, rather like a waterfall, to form fibrin strands which reinforce the platelet plug.


In yeast asexual reproduction takes place through

  • Budding

  • Fission

  • Both (1) and (2)

  • None of these


A person using a lens as a simple microscope sees an

  • inverted real image

  • inverted virtual image

  • upright real image

  • upright virtual image


First time bacteria were observed by

  • Antony Von Leeuwenhoek

  • Louis Pasteur

  • Robert Hook

  • None of the above


Maximum quantity of carbon is present in

  • petrol

  • kerosene

  • lubricant oil

  • ligroin


Conduction of thermal energy takes place in

  • solids

  • liquids

  • gases

  • All of these


Which of the following topic is suitable for a unit plan?

  • The meaning and concept of the systems of the body.

  • The blood circulatory system

  • The different systems of the human body

  • The blood and respiratory system
