Good science education should be true to the child , implies tha




TET Class 12

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Good science education should be 'true to the child', implies that science we teach should

  • relate to the environment of the child

  • convey significant aspects of science content

  • be understandable to the child

  • engage the child in learning process skills


be understandable to the child

The good science education should be true to child implies that science should be comprehensible to the child.


While teaching the correct method of measuring volume of a solid using a measuring cylinder, Kavita mentions the following steps (not in correct sequence) to be followed.
(i) Note the reading of level of water in the cylinder.
(ii) Suspend the solid with a thread inside water in the cylinder.
(iii) Record the least count of the measuring cylinder.
(iv) Put sufficient water in the cylinder and note the reading.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of steps for the said purpose?

  • (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  • (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)

  • (iii), (iv), (ii), (i)

  • (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)


Vandana is interested to focus more on acquisition of process skills of science by students of Class VIII. Which of the following combination of methods should she prefer to teach the topic on 'Micro-organisms'?

  • Assignment-cum-questioning method

  • Project-cum-laboratory method

  • Home assignment-cum-science quiz method

  • Home assignment-cum-questioning method


National Curriculum Framework, 2005 recommends that science education at upper primary stage should focus on

  • helping students to connect classroom learning to life outside the school

  • helping students to acquire international standards in learning of science

  • minimising social disparities in the students

  • promoting human values and knowledge base for peaceful society


Which one of the following is the key expectation from teaching and learning of science at upper primary stage?

  • To acquire questioning and inquiring skills

  • To create literary 

  • To appreciate the inter-relationship between science and art

  • To acquire academic excellence for competitive examinations


Cognitive validity' of science curriculum. at upper primary stage implies that it should

  • convey significant and scientifically correct facts

  • be age appropriate

  • use appropriate pedagogical processes in teaching

  • enable the child to view science as a social enterprise


The topic 'Separation of Substances' in Class VI can be taught most effectively by

  • in-depth explanation of related concepts

  • using hands-on activities to be performed by students

  • using good home assignments

  • orgainising more group discussions on different sub-topics


The term 'constructivism' in relation to science education means that children should be

  • given complete information about science

  • actively involved in the process of learning science

  • discouraged to raise questions in the 'classroom

  • given latest information on scientific developments


Anjali asks the following tasks to be performed by students of Class VII while making an electromagnet (not in correct sequence).
(i) Place some pins near the end of a nail.
(ii) Switch on the current and observe what
(iii) Wind a copper 'wire tightly around an iron nail.
(iv) Connect free end of the wire to the terminals of a cell.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of task to be performed to achieve the desired result?

  • (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)

  • (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)

  • (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)

  • (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)


While teaching the topic on 'Motion and Time' to Class VII students, Savita gave examples of different kinds of motion to the students. Which one of the following examples was quoted by her incorrectly?

  • Motion of a boy sitting in a moving car in relation to the car

  • Motion of a boy sitting in a merry-go-round

  • Motion of the hammer of an electric bell

  • Motion of a cricket ball hit by a batsman
