An electric circuit is set up in such a way that the positive ter




TET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following statements indicate(s) a good science classroom?

  1. The learners devise their own experiments and record their observations.
  2. The learners observe the demonstration by the teacher and write its steps.
  3. The learners are free to ask many questions.
  4. The teacher, along with the textbook, uses multiple resources to teach.

  • Only B

  • B and D

  • A, C and D

  • A and C


Somia usually takes her Class VII students on a field trip. Which of the following could be the objective(s)?

  1. It provides concrete experiences for students.
  2. She can give them assignments and projects for formative assessment.
  3. It enhances the process skills of students.
  4. It saves her teaching time

  • Only A

  • Only D

  • B and C

  • A, B and C


Which one of the following assessment strategies is most appropriate to assess the experimental skills of students in a science classroom?

  • Checklist

  • Concept mapping

  • Paper-pencil test

  • Practical record


"Open a water tap. Adjust the flow so that it forms a thin stream. Charge a refill. Bring it near the water stream. Observe what happens. Write a short report on the activity."

The skill (s) developed in the students through this activity is/are

  • observation, experimentation and creativity

  • Only observation

  • Only experimentation

  • observation, experimentation and communication


Identify the incorrect statement about the nature of science.

  • Speculation and conjecture also have a place in science, but ultimately a scientific theory, to be acceptable, must be verified by relevant observations and/or experiments

  • Science is considered as value-neutral and objective, and the laws of science are viewed as fixed

  • The methodology of science and its demarcation from other fields continue to be a matter of philosophical debate

  • Even the most established and universal laws of science are always regarded as provisional, subject to modification in the light of new observations, experiments and analyses


Which of the following strategies are most appropriate for a teacher to teach the topic 'Save Energy'?

  1. Ask students to write slogans on saving energy.
  2. Write at least five ways to save energy.
  3. Make a model/project to depict energy saving.
  4. Encourage students to save energy in various ways in their lives.

  • A, B and D

  • A, C and D

  • B, C and D

  • A, B and C


There are two planets in our solar system whose periods of revolution around the Sun are less than those of our Earth, but their periods of rotation are more as compared to those of the Earth. These planets are

  • Mars and Jupiter

  • Mercury and Saturn

  • Mercury and Venus

  • Uranus and Neptune


The melting points (in C) of Sulphur (S), Aluminium (Al), and Iron (Fe) are 113, 666 and 1535, respectively. Which one of the following is correct?

  • Only Fe is solid at 200ºC

  • Al and Fe are solids at 200ºC

  • Fe, Sand Al are solids at 200ºC

  • Only S is solid at 200ºC



An electric circuit is set up in such a way that the positive terminal of a battery V is connected to a bulb B1 which is connected to a resistor R which is connected to bulb B2. B2 is finally connected to the negative terminal of the battery. Both the bulbs are glowing. If the value of R is increased, then

  • B2 will become dimmer but the brightness of B1 will remain unchanged

  • Both B1 and B2 will remain unchanged

  • Both B1 and B2 will become dimmer

  • B1 will become dimmer but brightness of B2 will remain unchanged


B2 will become dimmer but the brightness of B1 will remain unchanged

The direction of flow of current in a circuit is from positive to negative terminal of a battery. In the given circuit, with an increase in the value of resistance of a resistor (which reduces the flow of current), the current flow to bulb B2 will be affected. In this case, bulb B2 will become dimmer and bulb B1 will remain unchanged.


Read the given statements and select the correct option.

  1. The range of clinical thermometer is from 35ºC to 42ºC
  2. The range of laboratory thermometer is usually from 10°C to 110°C.

  • Both Statements A and Bare false

  • Statement A is correct but Statement B is false

  • Statement Bis correct but Statement A is false

  • Both Statements A and Bare correct
