How will you represent an electrochemical cell with the help of cell notation or cell diagram? - Zigya

How will you represent an electrochemical cell with the help of cell notation or cell diagram?

A galvanic cell can always be represented by a cell diagram.

(i) The anode is written on the left-hand side and represented by writing metal first and then the metal ions (or electrolyte). The two are separated by a vertical line.
Zn | Zn2+ (1M)
Pt, H2(1 atm); H+(1M)

(ii) The cathode is written on the right-hand side and is represented by writing metal ions (or electrolyte) first and then metal (or solid phase). The two are separated by a vertical line.
Cu2+ (1M) | Cu

(iii) The salt bridge is represented by two vertical lines separating the two half cells. Daniell cell is represented as;

Zn | Zn2+ 1M) || Cu2+ (1M) | Cu



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