Attempt a character sketch of Otto Frank, Anne s father. - Zigya

Attempt a character sketch of Otto Frank, Anne's father.

Otto Frank was Anne's father. He had a remarkable presence of mind and fiercely protective instinct about his family. He was a reassuring and thoughtful figure in their lives. Anne portrayed her father affectionately in The Diary, referring to him as the ‘most adorable father’. She considered him to be the driving presence in her life but somehow he fell short of the ideal that she had envisaged for him. However, he took a genuine interest in his daughters’ lives and education, being an anchor of support for them and setting an example of being normal and optimistic even under the most extraordinary circumstances.
Otto Frank was a man of frugal means, always putting the needs of others before him. A levelheaded man, he exhibited considerable tact and patience in the secret annex taking tough decisions and being respectful towards everyone around him, irrespective of their age.



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