Two metals, M1 and M2 are found to show the following properties: (i) M1 liberates H2 when it reacts with dil. sulphuric acid whereas M2 does not do so.(ii) Both M1 and M2 react with chlorine to form (M1)Cl2 and (M2)Cl2 respectively. Indicate the reaction (if any) in the following:(i) (M1)Cl2 + M2 →(ii) (M2)Cl2 + M1 →(ii) (M1)SO4 + M2 → (iv) (M2)SO4 + M1 → - Zigya

Two metals, M1 and M2 are found to show the following properties:

(i) M1 liberates H2 when it reacts with dil. sulphuric acid whereas M2 does not do so.
(ii) Both M1 and M2 react with chlorine to form (M1)Cl2 and (M2)Cl2 respectively. Indicate the reaction (if any) in the following:
(i) (M1)Cl2 + M2 →
(ii) (M2)Cl2 + M1 →
(ii) (M1)SO4 + M2 →
(iv) (M2)SO4 + M

i)M1 liberates H2 when it reacts with dil. sulphuric acid whereas M2 does not becasue M1 is more reactive than hydrogen thus liberates hydrogen.
whereas M2 is less reactive than hydrogen thus it does not have tendency to liberate hydrogen.

ii)  Statement (i) shows that M1 is more reactive than M2 and so it will displace Mfrom its salts but not otherwise, i.e., M2 will not displace M1 from its salts. Therefore reaction (i) and (iii) are not possible but (ii) and (iv) will take place. M1 and M2 are both bivalent as seen from statement (ii). Therefore,

i)(M1)Cl2 + M2 → No reaction
ii)(M2)Cl2 + M1 → (M1)Cl2 + M2

iii)(M1)SO4 + M2 → No reaction
iv)(M2)SO4 + M1 → (M2)SO4 + M2.



Metals and Non-metals

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