What are the three major regions of human brain?  - Zigya

What are the three major regions of human brain? 

The three major regions that are distinguished in human brain are:
(i) The cerebral cortex: It covers the top half of the brain so it is called cerebral hemisphere.
Functions: This area is very important as it leads to consciousness, storage and memory of information.
(ii) The cerebellum: It lies at the bottom part of brain.
Functions: It controls and coordinates accurate movements.

The three major regions that are distinguished in human brain are:(i)
Fig.  A section of brain showing positions of spinal cord, medulla, cerebellum and cerebral cortex

The three major regions that are distinguished in human brain are:(i)
Fig. Various parts of human brain
(iii) The medulla oblongata: It is the connecting portion between brain and spinal cord.
Function: It controls heart beat, blood vessel, breathing and involuntary movements.



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