Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its function. - Zigya

Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its function.

Diagram of a neuron to show its structure:

Diagram of a neuron to show its structure:Fig. Structure of a neuronF
Fig. Structure of a neuron

Function: Dendrites of a neuron collect information from the receptors and pass it to the cell body in the form of electrical impulse. From the cell body impulse passes along the axon to its end. At end of the axon, the electrical impulse sets off the release of certain chemicals (chemical neurotransmitters). These cemicals cross the gap (synapse) between the endings of the axon and dendrites of the next neuron and start a similar electric impulse in the dendrites. Thus information received travels along the neurons of a nerve to the effector muscles or gland. On reaching to the desired muscle or gland, axon endings from Neuromuscular junction (synapse between axon endings and muscle cells) through which information delivered from neuron to muscles or glands.

Diagram of a neuron to show its structure:Fig. Structure of a neuronF
Fig. Neuromuscular junction



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