To find the image-distance for varying object-distances in case of a convex lens, a student obtains on a screen a sharp image of a bright object placed very far from the lens. After that he gradually moves the object towards the lens and each time focuses its image of the screen. (a) In which direction – towards or away from the lens, does he move the screen to focus the object? (b) What happens to the size of image – does it increase or decrease? (c) What happen when he moves the object very close to the lens? - Zigya

To find the image-distance for varying object-distances in case of a convex lens, a student obtains on a screen a sharp image of a bright object placed very far from the lens. After that he gradually moves the object towards the lens and each time focuses its image of the screen.

(a) In which direction – towards or away from the lens, does he move the screen to focus the object?

(b) What happens to the size of image – does it increase or decrease?

(c) What happen when he moves the object very close to the lens?

a) The position of the object moves away from the lens, as the student moves the object towards the lens. The screen should be moved away from the lens in order to obtain a sharp image.

b) When the object is moved near the lens, size of the image increases.

c) When the object is moved very close to the lens, it can be assumed to be placed between the focus and the optical centre. Then, the image formed is virtual, erect and enlarged. 



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