Why despite increase in GDP growth rate sufficient employment opportunities is not generated in agriculture? - Zigya

Why despite increase in GDP growth rate sufficient employment opportunities is not generated in agriculture?

Though the GDP growth rate is increasing over the years, it is not generating sufficient employment opportunities in the country.

(i)The growth rate in agriculture is decelerating which is an alarming situation. Today, Indian farmers are facing a big challenge from international competition.

(ii)At the same time our government is going ahead with reduction in the public investment in agriculture sector particularly in irrigation, power, rural roads, market and mechanisation.

(iii)Subsidy on fertilisers is decreased leading to increase in the cost of production.

(iv)Moreover, reduction in import duties on agricultural products have proved detrimental to agriculture in the country.

(v)Farmers are withdrawing their investment from agriculture causing a downfall in the employment in agriculture.



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