Medical Entrance Exam Question and Answers | The p-Block Elements - Zigya

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Silicon is :

  • semi - conductor

  • insulator

  • conductor

  • none of these


When lead nitrate is heated it produces :

  • NO2

  • NO

  • N2O5

  • N2O


Borax is used as a cleansing agent because on dissolving in water it gives

  • alkaline solution

  • acidic solution

  • bleaching solution

  • basic solution.


Inorganic graphite is :

  • BN

  • BF3

  • B2H6

  • none of these


Which of the following organo - silicon compound on hydrolysis will give a three dimensional silicone ?

  • R3SiCl

  • RSiCl3

  • SiCl4

  • R2SiCl2


Water gas is :

  • CO + N2

  • CO + CO2 + CH4

  • CO2 + N2

  • CO + H2


The energy gaps (Eg) between valence band and conduction band for diamond, silicon and germanium are in the order

  • E(diamond) > E(silicon) > E(germanium)

  • E(diamond) <E(silicon) <E(germanium)

  • E(diamond) = E(silicon)= Eg (germanium)

  • Eg (diamond)> Eg (germanium)> Eg (silicon).


Which of the following is a carbonate ore?

  • Pyrolusite

  • Malachite

  • Diaspore

  • Cassiterite


Assertion: Silicones are hydrophobic in nature.

Reason: Si-O- Si linkages are moisture sensitive.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If assertion is true, but reason is false.

  • Both assertion and reason are false statements.


Assertion : Borax bead test is not suitable for Al(III).

Reason : Al2O3 is insoluble in water.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.
