A piece of iron is heated in a flame. If first becomes dull red then becomes reddish yellow and finally turns to white hot. The correct explanation for the above observation is possible by using | Thermal Properties of Matter

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1.56 x 105 J of heat is conducted through a 2 m2 wall of 12 cm thick in 1 h. Temperature difference between the two sides of the wall is 20° C. The thermal conductivity of the material of the wall is (in W m-1 K-1)

  • 0.11

  • 0.13

  • 0.15

  • 1.2


In a mercury thermometer, the ice point (lower fixed point) is marked as 10° and the steam point (upper fixed point) is marked as 130°. At 40°C temperature, what will this thermometer read ?

  • 78°

  • 66°

  • 62°

  • 58°


Heat is produced at a rate given by H in a resistor when it is connected across a supply of voltage V. If now the resistance of the resistor is doubled and the supply voltage is made V/3, then the rate of production of heat in the resistor will be

  • H/18

  • H/9

  • 6H

  • 18H


22320 cal of heat is supplied to 100 g of ice at O°C. If the latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal g-1 and latent heat of vaporization ofwater is 540 cal g-1, the final amount of water thus obtained and its temperature respectively are

  • 8 g, 100°C

  • 100 g, 90°C

  • 92 g, 100°C

  • 82 g, 100°C



A piece of iron is heated in a flame. If first becomes dull red then becomes reddish yellow and finally turns to white hot. The correct explanation for the above observation is possible by using

  • Stefan's law

  • Wien's displacement law

  • Kirchoff's law

  • Newton's law of cooling


Wien's displacement law

The equation of Wien's displacement law, i.e, λmT = constant.


The amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 g of helium at NTP, from T1K to T2K is

  • 38 NaKBT2 - T1

  • 32 NaKBT2 - T1

  • 34 NaKB(T2 - T1)

  • 34 NaKBT2T1


Same quantity of ice is filled in each of the two metal containers P and Q having the same size, shape and wall thickness but made of different materials. The containers are kept in identical surroundings. The ice in P melts completely in time t, whereas in Q takes a time t2. The ratio of thermal conductivities of the materials of P and Q is

  • t2 : t1

  • t1 : t2

  • t12 : t22

  • t22 : t12


A 10 W electric heater is used to heat a container filled with 0.5 kg of water. It is found that the temperature of water and the container rises by 3°K in 15 min. The container is then emptied, dried and filled with 2 kg of oil. The same heater now raises the temperature of container-oil system by 2°K in 20 min. Assuming that there is no heat loss in the process and the specific heat of water is 4200 J kg-1 K-1, the specific heat of oil in the same unit is equal to

  • 1.50 × 103

  • 2.55 × 103

  • 3.00 × 103

  • 5.10 × 103


Three bodies of the same material and having masses m, m and 3m are at temperatures 40°C, 50° C and 60° C, respectively. If the bodies are brought in thermal contact, the final temperature will be

  • 45°C

  • 54°C

  • 52°C

  • 48°C


A solid maintained at t1° C is kept in an evacuated chamber at temperature t2° C (t2 >>t1). The rate of heat absorbed by the body is proportional to

  • t24 − t14

  • (t24 + 273) − (t14 + 273)

  • t2 − t1

  • t22 − t12
