Medical Entrance Exam Question and Answers | Haloalkanes and Haloarenes - Zigya

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Consider the following reaction sequence

CH3OH HBr 'A' KCN 'B' H2/ Ni 'C' HNO2 'D'

Choose the correct option regarding the different products obtained in the above reaction sequence:

  • 'D' is an alcohol consisting one carbon more than the starting alcohol

  • Product 'B' is formed via SN2-pathway

  • 'C' is an amine

  • All of the above


The relative reactivities of acyl compounds towards nucleophilic substitution are in the order of

  • acyl chloride > acid anhydride > ester > amide

  • ester > acyl chloride > amide > acid anhydride

  • acid anhydride > amide > ester > acyl chloride

  • acyl chloride> ester> acid anhydride > amide


The suitable reaction steps to carry out the following transformation is

  • (ii) H2O2, NaOH(i) BH3, THF HIO4

  • (CH3)3C.COOH, OH-OsO4 H2OK3Cr2O7.H2SO4

  • (ii) H2O2, NaOH(i) BH3, THF CH2Cl2PCC

  • H2O, H2SO4 (dil) CH2Cl2PCC


The major product P will be


The product P of the given reaction is 



In the reaction 

C7H3Cl2/  X Br2/ Fe Y Zn/ HCl Z

Z is

  • o-bromotoluene

  • m-bromotoluene

  • p-bromotoluene

  • 3-bromo-2, 2, 6- trichlorotoluene


The molal freezing point depression constant for benzene (C6H6) is 4.90 K Kg mol-1. Selenium exists as a polymer of the type Sex. When 3.26 g of selenium is dissolved in 226 g of benzene, the observed freezing point is 0.112°C lower than that of pure benzene. The molecular formula of selenium is (atomic mass of Se = 78.8 g mol-1).

  • Se8

  • Se6

  • Se4

  • Se2


X, Y and Z respectively are


Choose the correct alkyne and reagents for the preparation of



For carbanion

Stability order will be

  • P > Q > S > R

  • P > R > Q > S

  • Q > R > S > R

  • S > R > Q > P
