Which one of the following diseases is spread by housefly? | Human Health and Disease

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Passive immunity can be obtained through

  • antigens

  • vaccines

  • antibiotics

  • antibodies


Active immunity development is related to

  • natural killer cells

  • memory cells

  • helper T cells

  • suppressor T cells


Filariasis is caused by

  • dead adult filariae

  • microfilariae

  • biting of filarial worm

  • presence of bacteria in filarial wall


The genetic material of rabies virus is

  • double stranded RNA

  • single stranded RNA

  • double stranded DNA

  • ssDNA


T-lymphocyte is produced in

  • bone marrow

  • spleen

  • pancreas

  • thymus


Which one of the following leucocytes transforms into macrophages

  • Eosinophil

  • Basophil

  • Monocyte

  • Lymphocyte


Mention the "Incubation Period" of Plasmodium vivax

  • 10-14 days

  • 20-25 days

  • 30 days

  • 45 days


How many variable segments are present in the basic structure of antibody molecule?

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

  • Four


MRI is not allowed in the following conditions except one. Identify the exception

  • Presence of pacemaker in the body

  • Pregnant women

  • Person suffering from stroke

  • Presence of metallic plate in the body for treatment of broken bones



Which one of the following diseases is spread by housefly?

  • Dengue fever

  • Encephalitis

  • Filariasis

  • Typhoid



Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi. It is a common worldwide illness transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the faeces of an infected person, this disease is spread by housefly.

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. This may include a highfever, headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains, and a characteristic skin rash.

Encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. It is mainly caused by viral infections. It often causes only mild flu-like signs and symptoms such as a fever or headache or no symptoms at all.

Filariasis is a parasitic disease caused by an infection with roundworms of the Filarioidea type. These are spread by blood-feeding diptera as black flies and mosquitoes. This disease belongs to the group of diseases called helminthiases.
