Magnetic energy per unit volume is represented by | Moving Charges And Magnetism

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Assertion:  Magnetic field is useful in producing parallel beam of charged particle. 

Reason:  Magnetic field inhibits the motion of charged particle moving across it.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


A wire of mass 100 g, length 1 m and current 5 A is balanced in mid air by a magnetic field B, then find the value of B

  • 0.2 T

  • 0.1 T

  • 0.5 T

  • 0.6 T


A toroid with mean radius r0, diameter 2a have turns carrying current I. What is the magnetic field B outside the toroid?

  • N I2πr0

  • NI2π r0 + a

  • NIπr0 + a

  • zero


Identify incorrect for electric charge q

  • quantised

  • conserved

  • additive

  • non-transferable


Two wires carrying

  • Parallel current repel each other.

  • Antiparallel current attract each other.

  • Antiparallel current repel each other.

  • Equal magnitudes of antiparallel current attract each other.


Electric field outside a long wire carrying charge q is proportional to

  • 1r

  • 1r2

  • 1r35

  • 1r32


Assertion:  A planar circular loop of area A and carrying current I is equivalent to magnetic dipole of dipole moment M = IA.

Reason: At large distances, magnetic field of circular loop and magnetic dipole is same.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


What is the dimensions of a magnetic field B in terms of C ( = coulomb ), M, L, T?

  • [ M1 L-1 T-2 C ]

  • [ M1 L0 T-1 C-1 ]

  • [ M1 L0 T-2 C ]

  • [ M1 L0 T-1 C ]



Magnetic energy per unit volume is represented by

  • B22 μ0

  • B22 μ0 2

  • 2 B2μ0

  • B2μ0


B22 μ0

The emf induced in an inductor 

         Iε = I2 R + LI dIdt

This expression indicates that the rate at which energy is supplied by the battery (Iε ) equals the sum of the rate at which energy energy delivered to the resistor I2R and the rate at which energy is stored in the inductor L dIdt 

Now U is the energy stored in inductor at any time, rate of change of energy is given by

         dUdt = L I dIdt

To find the total energy stored in the inductor, dU = LI

         U =  dU 

             = 0I LI dI

         U = 12L I2             ....(i)

where L is constant.

This expression represents the energy stored in the magnetic field of the inductor when current is I.

The energy stored in the electric field of capacitor 

       U = Q22C

Now energy density of magnetic field 

       L = μ0n2 Al

The magenetic field of a  solenoid is given by

        B = μ0 nI

Substituting the expression for L and  I = Bμ0 n 

Put above value in eq. (i)

       U = 12μ0n2 Al Bμ0 n2

⇒    U = B22 μ0 Al   

Because Al is the volume of the solenoid, the energy stored per unit volume in the magnetic field surrounding the inductor is

    uBUA l

⇒  uBB22 μ0


Magnetic field at ' 𝑎' distance a from long currying current wire is proportional to

  • 1𝑎

  • 1𝑎2

  • 1𝑎

  • 1𝑎32
