A metal rod consumes power P on passing current. If it is cut into two half and joined in parallel, it will consume power | Moving Charges And Magnetism

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Three charges are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side a as shown in the given figure. The force experienced by the charge placed at the vertex A in a direction normal to BC is

  • Q2 / 4πε0a2

  • - Q2 (4πε0a2<)

  • zero

  • Q2 / 2πε0a2


The earth's magnetic field at a  given point is 0.5 × 10-5 Wb/m2. This field is to be annulled by magnetic induction at the centre of a circular conducting loop of radius 5.0 cm. The current required to be flown in the loop nearly

  • 0.2 A

  • 0.4 A

  • 4 A

  • 40 A


The difference in lengths of a mean solar day and a sideral day is about 

  • 1 min

  • 4 min

  • 15 min

  • 56 min


The coefficient of mutual inductance, when magnetic flux changes by 2 x 10-2 Wb and current changes by 0.01 A is

  • 2 H

  • 4 H

  • 3 H

  • 8 H


Assertion:  We cannot think of a magnetic field configuration with three poles. 

Reason:  A bar magnet does exert a torque on itself due to its own field.

  • If both the assertion and reason are true and reason is a correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but assertion is not a correct explanation of the assertion.

  • If the assertion is true but the reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false


At a place earth's magnetic field, 5 × 105 Wb/m2 is acting perpendicular to a coil of radius R = 5 cm. If  μο / 4π = 107 , then how much current is induced in circular loop?

  • 0.2 A

  • 0 A

  • 4 A

  • 40 A


A wire length l carries a steady current. It is bent first to form a circular plane loop of one turn. The magnetic field at the centre of the loop is B. The same length is now bent more sharply give a to double loop of smaller radius. The  magnetic field at the centre caused by the same is

  • B

  • B/4

  • 4B

  • B/2



A metal rod consumes power P on passing current. If it is cut into two half and joined in parallel, it will consume power

  • P

  • 2P

  • P/4



Let the resistance of the rod be R. If the rod is divided into two equal parts, then each part of the rod will have a resistance of R/2. Now these two parts of the rod are connected in parallel and a voltage Vis applied across them. Hence the total
power consumed is

        P' = V2R2  + V2R2

            = 4 V2R

      P' = 4P

Where P = V2R is  the power consumed by the original rod when voltage V is applied across it.


When a galvanometer is shunted by resistance S, its current capacity increases n times. If the same galvanometer is shunted by another resistance S', its current capacity will increase by n' is given by

  • (n+1)SS'

  • S (n-1)+ S'S'

  • n+SS'

  • S(n-1) + S'S'


In moving coil galvanometer, the magnetic field used is

  • non-uniform

  • radial

  • uniform

  • None of these
