A wire carrying current I and other carrying 2I in the same direction produce a magnetic field B at the mid-point. What will be the field when 2I wire is switched off? | Moving Charges And Magnetism

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following has the minimum resistance?

  • Voltmeter

  • Millivoltmeter

  • Ammeter

  • Milliameter


In a cyclotron, if a deuteron can gain the energy of 40 MeV, then a proton can gain the energy of:

  • 40 MeV

  • 80 MeV

  • 20 MeV

  • 60 MeV


An electron, moving in a uniform magnetic field of induction of intensity B, has its radius directly proportional to:

  • its charge

  • magnetic field

  • speed

  • none of these


A uniform magnetic field is at a right angle to the direction of motion of proton. As a result, the proton describes a circular path of radius 2.5 cm. If the speed of proton is doubled then the radius of the circular path will be :

  • 0.5 cm

  • 2.5 cm

  • 5.0 cm

  • 7.5 cm


An electron accelerated through a potential difference enters into a uniform transverse magnetic field and experience a force F. If the accelerating potential is increased to 2V, the electron in the same magnetic field will experience a force :

  • F

  • F/2

  • 2 F

  • 2F


The certain amount of current when flowing in a properly set tangent galvanometer produces a deflection of 45°. The current be reduced by a factor of ✓3, the deflection would :

  • decrease by 30°

  • decrease by 15°

  • increase by 15°

  • increase by 30°



A wire carrying current I and other carrying 2I in the same direction produce a magnetic field B at the mid-point. What will be the field when 2I wire is switched off?

  • B/2

  • 2B

  • B

  • 4B



When currents in both the wires are in the same direction, then the magnetic field at the centre

B = B2 - B1μ0(2I)2π(r/2) - μ0(I)2π(r/2)


When 2I wire is switched off, then the magnetic field at the centre

B' = μ0I2π(r/2) = μ0Iπr = B


A small circular flexible loop of wire of radius 'r' carries a current I. It is placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The tension in the loop will be doubled if :

  • I is doubled

  • B is halved

  • r is doubled

  • Both B and I are doubled


Two parallel wires carrying current in the same direction attract each other because of :

  • the potential difference between them

  • mutual inductance between them

  • the electric force between them

  • the magnetic force between them


A galvanometer has a resistance of 400 Ω and deflects full scale for a current of 0.2 mA through it. The shunt resistance required to covert it into 3A ammeter is :

  • 0.027 Ω

  • 0.054 Ω

  • 0.0135 Ω

  • none of these
