Medical Entrance Exam Question and Answers | alcohols, phenols and ethers - Zigya

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A compound containing two -OH groups attached with one carbon atom is unstable but which one of the following is stable?

  • CH3CH(OH)2

  • CH3-C(OH)3

  • Cl3CCH(OH)2

  • None of these


Assertion : Acetamide on reaction with KOH and bromine gives acetic acid.

Reason : Bromine catalyses hydrolysis of acetamide.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


In which of the following reactions ether does not form ?

  • C2H5ONa + C2H5I

  • C2H5ONa + (CH3)3CBr

  • C2H5I + dry Ag2O

  • C2H5OH + H2SO4 (140o C)


Reaction of ester with Grignard reagent give rise to :

  • primary alcohol

  • secondary alcohol

  • tertiary alcohol

  • ketone


R-OH + SOCl2 pyridine R-Cl + SO2 + HCl

Pyridine in the above reaction :

  • catalyse the reaction

  • used to dissolve alkyl chloride

  • used to remove excess of SOCl2

  • None of the above


Which of the following has least boiling point ?

  • Ethyl ether

  • n - propyl chloride

  • n - butyraldehyde

  • n - butyl alcohol


With CH3MgBr , diethyl ether gives :

  • coordination complex

  • n - butane

  • a mixture of ethyl bromide and methyl bromide

  • propane


The angle R-O-R is :

  • 109° 28°

  • 95°

  • 110°

  • 105°


Ethyl ester excessCH3MgBr P. The product p will be


Denatured alcohol is :

  • ethanol + methanol

  • rectified spirit + methanol + naphtha

  • undistilled ethanol

  • rectified spirit
