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NEET Biology : Biodiversity and Conservation

Multiple Choice Questions


Which one of the following is not used for ex situ plant conservation?

  • Field gene banks

  • Seed banks

  • Shifting cultivation

  • Botanical gardens


The 'Red Data Book' records

  • species diversity of wetlands

  • list of water pollutants

  • list of threatened species

  • rate of population decline


The concept of hot- spot was first introduced by

  • Mayer

  • Simpson

  • Myers

  • David


Beta (β) diversity refers to diversity

  • within a community

  • between communities

  • between two eco zones

  • within a population


The objective of 'Ramsar Convention' was

  • forest conservation

  • wildlife conservation

  • wetland conservation

  • biodiversity conservation


Which one of the followings is an in situ method of biodiversity conservation?

  • National park

  • Botanical garden

  • Zoological garden

  • Scientific laboratory


Match the name of the animal (Column I) with one characteristics (Column II) and the phylum/class (Column III) to which it belongs

  • Column I Column II Column III
    Petromyzon Ectoparasite Cyclostomata
  • Ichthyophis Terrestrial Reptilia
  • Limulus Body covered by chitinous exoskeleton Pisces
  • Adamsia Radially symmetrical Porifera


What is the full form of MAB?

  • Man and biosphere

  • Man and biosphere reserve

  • Man and biosphere reserve programme

  • Man and biosphere programme


Which of the following represent maximum number of species among global biodiversity?

  • Algae

  • Lichens

  • Fungi

  • Mosses and ferns


An area is declared as 'Hot Spot' when

  • it has 1500 or more endemic species and 75% of its original habitat is lost

  • it has 1500 or more vertebrate species and 75% of its original habitat is lost

  • it has more than 2000 species of plants

  • most of the species inhabiting the area is facing the risk of extinction

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