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NEET Biology : Body Fluids and Circulations

Multiple Choice Questions


Which of the following is the correct pathway for propagation of cardiac impulse?

  • SA node  AV node  Bundle of His  Purkinje fibres

  • AV node  Bundle of His  SA node  Purkinje fibres

  • SA node  Purkinje fibres  AV node  Bundle of His

  • Purkinje fibres  AV node  SA node  Bundle of His


Pernicious anaemia results due to deficiency of

  • vitamin-B1

  • vitamin-A

  • vitamin-B12

  • iron


Name the following having oxygen storing capacity

  • myoglobin

  • prophase- II

  • anaphase- I

  • metaphase- II


Which one of the following is incorrect for Atherosclerosis?

  • Constriction of arterial luman reduces the blood flow

  • Loss of dilatation ability of the arterial wall and its rupture

  • Cholesterol deposition at the inner wall of the artery

  • Proliferation of the vascular muscles


Calcium level decreases in the blood due to hyposecretion of

  • parathyroid hormone

  • calcitonin

  • thyroxine

  • adrenaline


The blood vessel which supply oxygenated blood to cardiac tissue is

  • coronary artery

  • coronary vein

  • coronary sinus

  • pulmonary vein


Amount of oxygen supplied by 100 mL arterial blood while passing through the tissues is

  • 0.4 - 0.6 mL

  • 4 - 6mL

  • 14 - 15 mL

  • 19 - 20 mL


Juxtaglomerular apparatus is made up of

  • juxtaglomerular cell, macula densa and lacis cell

  • juxtaglomerular cell, Purkinje cell and chied cell

  • juxtaglomerular cell, lads cell and myoepithelial cell

  • juxtaglomerular cell, macula densa and Argentaffin cell


In a normal adult human, the average cardiac output (stroke volume) is

  • 47 mL

  • 70 mL

  • 5 L

  • 3.3 L


Which vitamin helps in blood coagulation?

  • Vitamin- K

  • Vitamin- C

  • Vitamin- A

  • Vitamin- D

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