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NEET Biology : Ecosystem

Multiple Choice Questions


Living in same habitat organisms of same species from:

  • biosphere

  • community

  • population

  • niche


By anaerobic process, the cow dung is used to produce :

  • methane

  • butane

  • ethane

  • propane


Ratio between mortality and natality is called

  • population ratio

  • vital index

  • census ratio

  • density coefficient


As insecticides reach at higher trophic level in food chain their concentration :

  • increases

  • become irregular

  • remain constant

  • decreases


The organisms that thrives on the remains of dead plants and animals are categorised as

  • carnivore

  • omnivore

  • scavangers

  • predators


The term 'ecosystem' was coined by :

  • E.P. Odum

  • A.G. Tansley

  • Carl Mobious

  • W. Clementus


Grassland with scattered trees is :

  • savanna

  • deciduous forest

  • evergreen forest

  • tropical rain forest


A food web is more realistic than food chain for showing the feeding relationship in an ecosystem because

  • it compares the number of consumers to the number of microorganisms in an ecosystem

  • food chains use only a small sampling of organisms

  • a food web explains why there are more producers than consumers

  • producers are usually eaten by many different consumers and most consumers are eaten by more than one predator


The biomass pyramid of forest ecosystem is

  • linear

  • inverted

  • tetra angle

  • upright


Which of the following is false?

  • The energy content in a trophic level is determined by considering individuals of a species in that trophic level

  • The succession that occur in newly cooled lava is called primary success

  • Rate of succession is faster in secondary succession

  • Quantity of biomass in a trophic level at a particular period is called as stop-(standing) crop

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