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NEET Biology : Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Multiple Choice Questions


Balbiani rings rigs are sites of

  • Lipid synthesis

  • Nucleotide synthesis

  • Polysaccharide synthesis

  • Polysaccharide synthesis


Which of the following is required as inducer(s0 for the expression of lac operon?

  • galactose

  • lactose

  • lactose and galactose

  • lactose and galactose


Which one of the following a wrongly matched?

  • Transcription - Writing information from DNA to t-RNA

  • Translation - Using information in m - RNA to make protein

  • Repressor protein - Binds to operator to stop enzyme synthesis

  • Repressor protein - Binds to operator to stop enzyme synthesis


The two polypeptides of human insulin are linked together by

  • phosphodiester bonds

  • covalent bonds

  • disulphide bridges

  • disulphide bridges


Which one of the following shows coiled RNA stands and capsomeres?

  • Polio virus

  • Tabacco mosaic virus

  • Measles virus

  • Measles virus


Satellite DNA is important because it

  • codes for proteins needed in cell cycle.

  • shows high degree of polymorphism in population and also the same degree of polymorphism in an individual, which is heritable from parents to children.

  • does not code for proteins and is same in all members of the population.

  • does not code for proteins and is same in all members of the population.


Which of the following is the starter codon?

  • UGA

  • UAA

  • UAG

  • UAG


Which one of the following is not applicable to RNA?

  • Complementary base pairing

  • 5, phosphoryl and 3' hydroxyl ends

  • Heterocyclic nitrogenous bases

  • Heterocyclic nitrogenous bases


Transformation was discovered by 

  • Meselson and Stahi

  • Hershey and Chase

  • Griffith

  • Griffith


Identify the correct order of organisation of genetic material from largest to smallest

  • Chromosome, gene, genome, nucleotide

  • Genome, chromosome, nucleotide, gene

  • Genome, chromosome, gene, nucleotide

  • Genome, chromosome, gene, nucleotide

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