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NEET Biology : Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Multiple Choice Questions


The part of the bacterial chromosomes sharing homology with genome fragment transferred from the recipients to cell during emrozygote formation is known as

  • Eugenic

  • Exogenate

  • Endogenate

  • Dysgenic


A kind of biotechnology involving manipulation of
DNA is

  • DNA replication

  • Genetic engineering

  • Denaturation

  • Renaturation


The codon for anticodon 3-UUUA-5' is

  • 3-AAU-5

  • 5-UAAA-3

  • 5-AAAU-3

  • 3-UAAU-5'


One gene-one enzyme relationship was established for the first time in

  • Neurospora crassa

  • Salmonella typhimurium

  • Escherichia coli

  • Diplococcus pneumoniae


Nucleic acid segment tagged with a radiactive molecule is called

  • Clone

  • Probe

  • Plasmid

  • Vector


A polygenic inheritance in human beings is

  • Skin colour

  • Sickle cell anaemia

  • Colour blindness

  • Phenylketonuria


Match the following column I with column II.

Column I Column II
A. Carcinogen 1. Cancerous Tumour
B. Anaphase -I 2. Disjunction
C. Mitosis 3. Synapse
D. Zygotene 4. Plectonemic Coiling

  • A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3

  • A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2

  • A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4

  • A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2


In 1944, Avery, McCarty and MacLeod isolated substance from heat killed a virulent form of bacteria and added to the non-virulent form of bacteria which changed the non-virulent to virulent from this substance can be destroyed by

  • DNAse

  • Protease

  • Lipase

  • Amylase


Which of the following is true regarding the phase lambda, a virus which infects bacteria?

  • In the lytic cycle, the bacterial host replicates viral DNA, passing it on to daughter cells during binary fission

  • In the lysogenic cycle, the bacteria-host replicates viral DNA, passing it onto daughter cells during binary fission

  • In the lytic cycle, viral DNA is integrated into the host genome

  • In the lysogenic cycle, the host bacterial cell burst, releasing phases


The Okazaki fragments in DNA chain growth

  • Results in transcription

  • Polymerise in the 3' to 5' direction and forms replication fork

  • Prove semi-conservative nature of DNA replication

  • Polymerise in the 5' to 3' direction and explain 3' to 5 DNA replication

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