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NEET Biology : Transport in Plants

Multiple Choice Questions


Living. cells placed in isotonic solution (0.9% saline) retain their size and shape. This is based on the concept of

  • osmosis

  • diffusion

  • facilitated diffusion

  • transpiration


Pick the reaction from the following, where a water molecule is removed and reduction of NAD+ does not occur in the reactions of respiration.

I. Succinic acid  Fumaric acid
II. Malic acid   Oxaloacetic acid
III. 2-phosphoglycerate  phosphoenol pyruvic acid
IV. Pyruvic acid  Acetyl Co-A

The correct answer is

  • I, IV

  • I, II

  • II, III

  • I, III


In which one of the following, expenditure of energy is required?

  • Osmosis

  • Diffusion

  • Active transport

  • Passive transport


Identify the wrong statement.

  • The degree of decrease of chemical potential of water depends on concentration of solute

  • Bacteria and fungal spores are killed when they enter into pickels and jams due to plasmolysis

  • The process of water excudation is called transpiration

  • Reverse plasmolysis will occur when flaccid cells are placed in hypotonic solution


Guttation is a process of loss of water in

  • liquid form containing dissolved minerals

  • liquid form without dissolved minerals

  • vapour form with minerals

  • vapour form without minerals


In higher plants, continuity of cytoplasm from one cell to its neighbouring cells is established through

  • apoplast

  • chloroplast

  • leucoplast

  • symplast


With reference to water potential of a plant cell, the relationship is represented by

  • ψw = ψm+ ψs + ψp

  • ψw = ψm - ψs - ψp

  • ψw = ψm - ψs + ψp

  • ψw = ψm + ψs - ψp


Which of the following criteria does not pertain to facilitated transport?

  • Requirement of special membrane proteins

  • High selectivity

  • Transport saturation

  • Uphill transport


A plant cell becomes turgid due to

  • plasmolysis

  • exosmosis

  • endosmosis

  • electrolysis


Engulfing ofsolid materials by cells is called

  • pinocytosis

  • phagocytosis

  • active transport

  • autolysis

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