A galvanometer having a coil resistance of 60 Ω from Class Physics Alternating Current

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NEET Physics : Alternating Current

Multiple Choice Questions


The primary and secondary coil of a transformer have 50 and 1500 turns respectively. If the magnetic flux Φ linked with the primary coil is given Φ = Φo +4t, where Φ is in weber, t is time is second and Φo is a constant the output voltage across the secondary coil is:

  • 90 V

  • 120 V

  • 220 V

  • 220 V


A charged particle (charge q ) is moving n a circle of radius R with uniform speed v. The associated magnetic moment μ is given by:

  • qvR/2

  • qVR2

  • qVR2/2

  • qVR2/2


In an AC circuit, the emf (e) and the current (i) at any instant are given respectively by

e = E0 sin ωt
i = Io sin (ωt -Φ)

The average power in the circuit over one cycle of AC is

  • fraction numerator straight E subscript straight o straight I subscript straight o over denominator 2 end fraction
  • fraction numerator straight E subscript straight o straight I subscript straight o over denominator 2 end fraction space sin space straight ϕ
  • fraction numerator straight E subscript straight o straight I subscript straight o over denominator 2 end fraction space cos space straight ϕ
  • fraction numerator straight E subscript straight o straight I subscript straight o over denominator 2 end fraction space cos space straight ϕ


A common emitter amplifier has a voltage gain of 50, an input impedance of 100 Ω and an output impedance of 200 Ω. The power gain of the amplifier is:

  • 500

  • 1000

  • 1250

  • 1250


In the circuit shown, the current through the 4 Ω resistor is 1 A when the points P and M are connected to a DC voltage source. The potential difference between the point M and N is 

  • 1.5 V

  • 1.0 V

  • 0.5 V

  • 0.5 V


The core of a transformer is laminated because

  • energy losses due to eddy currents may be minimised

  • the weight of the transformer may be reduced

  • rusting of the core may be prevented

  • rusting of the core may be prevented


The two ends f a rod of length L and a uniform cross -sectional area A are kept at two temperatures T1 and T2 (T2 > T1) .The rate of heat transfer, dQ/dt, through the rod in steady state is given by

  • dQ over dt space equals space fraction numerator KL left parenthesis straight T subscript 1 minus straight T subscript 2 right parenthesis over denominator straight A end fraction
  • dQ over dt space equals space fraction numerator straight K space left parenthesis straight T subscript 1 minus straight T subscript 2 right parenthesis over denominator LA end fraction
  • dQ over dt space equals space KLA space left parenthesis straight T subscript 1 minus straight T subscript 2 right parenthesis
  • dQ over dt space equals space KLA space left parenthesis straight T subscript 1 minus straight T subscript 2 right parenthesis


A 220 V input is supplied to a transformer. The output circuit draws a current 2.0 A at 440 V. If the efficiency of the transformer is 80%, the current drawn by the primary windings of the transformer is 

  • 3.6 A

  • 2.8 A

  • 2.5 A

  • 2.5 A


The rms value of potential difference V shown in the figure is 

  • Vo

  • fraction numerator straight V subscript straight o over denominator square root of 2 end fraction
  • Vo/2

  • Vo/2


A galvanometer having a coil resistance of 60 Ω shows full-scale deflection when a current of 1.0 A passes through it. It can be converted into an ammeter to read currents up to 5.0 A by

  • putting in parallel a resistance of 240 Ω

  • putting in series a resistance of 15 Ω

  • putting in series a resistance of 240 Ω

  • putting in series a resistance of 240 Ω

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