Two sinusoidal waves of intensity I having same from Class Physics Alternating Current

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NEET Physics : Alternating Current

Multiple Choice Questions


In  a  series LCR  circuit, the voltage across the resistance, capacitance and inductance is 10 V each. If the capacitance is  short  circuited  the voltage across the inductance will be

  • 140 V

  • 10 2 V

  • 10/ 2 V

  • 20 V


In an electrical containing L, C and R which of the following does not denote the dimensions and frequency?

  • LC

  • 1L C

  • 1RC

  • RL


Which of the following parameter in the series LCR circuit is analogous to driving force F(t) in mechanics?

  • V0L

  • inductance L

  • capacitance C

  • voltage V0


Two sinusoidal waves of intensity I having same frequency and same amplitude interferes constructively at a point. The resultant intensity at a point will be

  • I

  • 2I

  • 4I

  • 8I


What is the mechanical equivalent of spring constant kin LC oscillating circuit?

  • 1L

  • 1C

  • LC

  • 1L C


If frequency of R-L circuit is f then impedance will be

  • R2 +  2πfL 2

  • R2 + ( 2πf2 )2

  •  R2 + Lπf2 

  • R2 + (2πf )2


Alternating current cannot be measured by D.C ammeter because

  • A.C cannot pass through D.C parameter

  • A.C changes direction

  • average value of current for complete cycle is zero 

  • D.C ammeter will get changed


In an AC circuit, voltage V = V0sinωt  and inductor L is connected across the circuit. Then the instantaneous power will be

  • V022ωL sinωt

  • - V022ωL sinωt

  • - V022ωL sin2ωt

  • V02ωLsin2ωt


In given series LCR circuit R = 4Ω, XL = 5 Ω and XC = 8Ω, the current

  • Leads the voltage by tan-1(3/4).

  • Leads the voltage by tan-1(5/8)

  • Lags the voltage by tan-1(3/4)

  • Lags the voltage by tan-1(5/8)


Reciprocal of impedance is

  • susceptance

  • conductance

  • admittance

  • transconductance

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