If an ideal parallel LC circuit, the capacitor is from Class Physics Alternating Current

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NEET Physics : Alternating Current

Multiple Choice Questions


If an ideal parallel LC circuit, the capacitor is changed by connecting it to a d.c source which is then disconnected. The current in the circuit 

  • becomes zero instantaneously

  • grows monotonically

  • decays monotonically

  • oscillates instantaneously


Assertion:  The alternating current lags behind the e.m.f. by a phase angle of  π/2, when AC flows through an inductor. 

Reason:  The inductive reactance increases as the frequency of AC source decreases.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false


In an AC circuit the potential differences across an inductance and resistance joined in series are respectively 16 V and 20 V. The total potential difference of the source is

  • 20.0 V

  • 25.6 V

  • 31.9 V

  • 53.5 V


When 100 V d.c  is applied across a coil, a current of 1 A nows through it. When  100 V a.c. of 50 Hz is applied to the same coil only 0.5 A flows. The inductance of the coil is

  • 0.55 H

  • 5.5 H

  • 0.55 mH

  • 55 mH


The circuit shown in the figure acts as


  • tuned filter

  • low pass filter

  • high pass filter

  • rectifier


Assertion:  No power loss associated with pure capacitor in ac circuit.

Reason: No current is flowing in this circuit.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false


The focal length of the objective and eye lenses of a microscope are 1.6 cm and 2.5 cm respectively. The distance between the two lenses is 21. 7 cm. If the final image is formed at infinity. What is the linear magnification?

  • 11

  • 110

  • 1.1

  • 44


A bulb  and  a condenser are connected in with an A>C source. On increasibg the frequency will

  • increase

  • decrease

  • sometimes increase and sometimes decrease

  • neither increase nor decrease.


What is the dimensions of impedance ?

  • [ M L2 T-3 A-2 ]

  • [ M-1 L-2 T3 A2

  • [ M L3 T-3 A-2 ]

  • [ M-1 L-3 T3 A2 ]


A 50 Hz a.c source of 20 volts is connected across  R and C as shown in figure. The volage across R  is 12 volt. The voltage across C is

  • 8 V

  • 16 V

  • 10 V

  • not possible to determine unless values of R and  C are given

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