In a LCR series circuit, the potential difference from Class Physics Alternating Current

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NEET Physics : Alternating Current

Multiple Choice Questions


A step-down transformer reduces the voltage of a transmission line from 2200 V to 220 V. The power delivered by it is 880 W and its efficiency is 88%. The input current is

  • 4.65 mA

  • 0.045 A

  • 0.45 A

  • 4.65 A


An inductance of 200πmH, a capacitance of 10-3πF and a resistance of 10Ω are connected in series with an AC source 220 V, 50 Hz. The phase angle of the circuit is

  • π6

  • π4

  • π2

  • π3


In a LCR series circuit, the potential difference between the terminals of the inductance is 60 V, between the terminals of the capacitor, is 30 V and that across the resistance is 40 V. Then, the supply voltage will be equal to

  • 50 V

  • 70 V

  • 130 V

  • 10 V


The inductance of a coil in which a current of 0.2 A is increasing at the rate of 0.5 A/s represents a power flow of 0.5 W, is

  • 2 H

  • 5 H

  • 10 H

  • 20 H


Assertion: The quantity L/R  possesses dimension of time. 

Reason: To reduce the rate of increase of current through a solenoid, we should increase the time constant  ( L/R ).

  • If both the assertion and reason are true and reason is a correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but assertion is not correct explanation of the assertion

  • If the assertion is true but the reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


A choke is preferred to resistance for limiting current in AC circuit because

  • choke is cheap

  • there is no wastage of power

  • choke is compact in size

  • choke is a good absorber of heat


A capacitor of capacitance  2μF is connected in the tank circuit of an oscillator oscillating with a frequency of 1 kHz. If the current flowing in the circuit is 2 mA, the voltage across the capacitor will be

  • 0.16 V

  • 0.32 V

  • 79.5 V

  • 159 V


If emf E = 4 cos 1000t volt is applied to an L-R circuit of inductance 3 mH and resistance 4 Ω, the amplitude of the current in the circuit is

  • 47A

  • 1.0 A

  • 47A

  • 0.8 A


If in a circuit current lags behind EMF by  π2. Then it is a/an

  • resistor circuit

  • capacitor

  • inductor circuit

  • CR circuit


A DC circuit contains 10Ω of resistance in series with 10 H coil. The impedance of the circuit is

  • 10 Ω

  • 20 Ω

  • 1 Ω

  • zero

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