An inductor and a capacitor are connected in an AC from Class Physics Alternating Current

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NEET Physics : Alternating Current

Multiple Choice Questions


The core used in transformer and other electromagnetic instruments is laminated, the reason is

  • to increase the electric field

  • to increase the magnetic field

  • to reduce the loss of energy due to eddy currents

  • to decrease the resistance


Power factor of L-C-R circuit in resonation condition is

  • 1

  • 12

  • zero

  • 12


A sinusoidal voltage of peak value 300 V and an angular frequency ω= 400 rad/s is applied to series L-C-R circuit, in which R = 3 Ω, L = 20 mH and C = 625 µF. The peak current in the circuit is

  • 302 A

  • 60 A

  • 100 A

  • 602 A


A step-up transformer has transformation ratio 3 : 2. The  voltage in the secondary coil, if the voltage in the primary is 30 V will be

  • 300 V

  • 90 V

  • 45 V

  • 23 V


An L-C-R series circuit consists of a resistance of 10 Ω a capacitor of reactance 6.0 Ω and an inductor coil. The circuit is found to resonate when put across a 300 V, 100 Hz supply. The inductance of coil is (take π = 3)

  • 0.1 H

  • 0.01 H

  • 0.2 H

  • 0.02 H


In L-R circuit the current increases to three - fourth of its maximum value in 4s, then the time constant of the circuit is

  • 2 loge 2

  • 4loge2

  • 2loge2

  • loge22


A circuit contains a capacitor and inductance each with negligible resistance. The capacitor is initially charged and the charging battery is disconnected. At subsequent time, the charge on the capacitor will

  • increase exponentially

  • decrease exponentially

  • decrease linearly

  • remain constant


An inductor and a capacitor are connected in an AC circuit inductance and capacitance are 1 H and 25 µF, then for maximum current, angular frequency will be (circuit is connected in series)

  • 200 rad/s

  • 50 rad/s

  • 100 rad/s

  • 150 rad/s


A transformer of 100% efficiency has 200 turns in the primary and 40000 turns in secondary. It is connected to a 220 V main supply and secondary feeds to a 100 kΩresistance. The potential difference per turn is

  • 1.1 V

  • 25 V

  • 18 V

  • 11 V


A metal wire of linear mass density of 9.8 g/m is stretched with a tension of 10 kg-wt between two rigid supports 1m apart. The wire passes at its middle point between the poles of a permanent magnet and it vibrates in resonance when carrying an alternating current of frequency η. The frequency η of the alternating source is 

  • 50 Hz

  • 100 Hz

  • 200 Hz

  • 25 Hz

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